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Essay on natural disaster

Essay on natural disaster

Home — Essay Samples — Environment — Disasters — Natural Disasters. Thousands of people were killed or injured and the whole cities were destroyed. Earthquakes are quite common, and they happen every day somewhere in the world. Natural Disasters Robbery Society, essay on natural disaster. Some of the traumatic conditions caused to the victim of natural disasters essay on natural disaster feelings of anxiety, trouble in sleeping, constant worrying, and various other depression symptoms that are common type of responses to natural disasters prior to, during, and post the calamity.

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Home — Essay Samples — Environment — Disasters — Natural Disasters. We use cookies to essay on natural disaster your web-site experience. Essays on Natural Disasters. Essay examples. Natural disasters are catastrophic events that are caused by weather and geological phenomena. Natural disasters can cause damage to infrastructure or even injuries and death. Floods, essay on natural disaster, earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanic essay on natural disaster, and tsunamis are among most frequent phenomenons and can even affect the political and economical state of a country.

work hard to predict disasters and minimize their negative influence on everyday life. Students are often assigned to write essays on natural disasters. Familiarize yourself with our various sample papers before you start your natural disaster essay. The benefit of reading examples is that they inspire you so you can outline the perfect introduction, main body, and conclusion. Read more. The Effects of Natural Disasters on Economics word 1 Page. Natural Disasters are never a good thing. In areas where they happen, they affect everything in a negative way.

They can destroy whole town, cities, the economy, infrastructure, and in some cases the human population. They wreak havoc on whatever they touch. Probably the thing Natural Disasters. Disaster, Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Katrina, Natural Disasters Affect Economics. Earthquake is a natural disaster, always threatening the lives of people, essay on natural disaster. On May 12th,a terrible earthquake took place in Sichuan. Most houses fell down. Thousands of people were killed or injured and the whole cities were destroyed. This earthquake is like nature reminds Earthquake Natural Disasters.

Natural hazards have always fascinated me and therefore I made a decision to write this article on the essay on natural disaster. Earthquakes just like other hazards of nature are unpredictable and remain one of the most devastating among all natural disasters. A disturbing yet an inevitable fact Earth, Earthquake, Epicenter, Seismic wave, Submarine earthquake, Tsunami, Volcano. Introduction In many instances, disasters act as catalysts in the adoption of new and emerging technologies. Spawned by the need to rapidly collect vital information for disaster management, technology innovations have often helped emergency responders to assess the impact of large disasters more efficiently and Natural Disasters Storm.

In the 21st century the world has been taken aback by the yearly natural and man-made disasters that have occurred everywhere. No matter how prepared we believe are there is always area of improvement or an area of learning after each and every disaster. Natural Disasters Tornado. Civil defense siren, Cyclone, Funnel cloud, Severe thunderstorm warning, Severe weather, Storm, Super Outbreak, Thunderstorm, Tornado, Tornado outbreak. With the increase of natural disasters occurring in the world today in comparison essay on natural disaster decades ago, individuals can perceive risk in different ways as a result of factors such as experience and trust. These different perceptions individuals have about risk can have positive and negative Introduction Flood is one of the main and most frequent natural disasters in the world Jiang et al.

As revealed by World Meteorological Organization WMO,storms and floods accounted for 79 percent of total number of disasters during tocausing Essay on natural disaster Natural Disasters. Catastrophic events will be occasions that are sudden and surprising and also preventable yet totally unavoidable Kumar, essay on natural disaster, Math, Moirangthem and Nirmala, regarding when and where they happen McFarlane and Williams, Around the globe there is a normal of no less than one catastrophic Anxiety Anxiety Disorder Natural Disasters. Adverse fall in demand especially in a consumption state like Kerala is the crux right now. Agriculture and tourism along with the IT sector are worst hit Economy Flood Natural Disasters. The tornado flood from Hurricane Katrina, which made landfall on August 29,caused deplorable fiendishness along the coastlines of Louisiana, essay on natural disaster, Mississippi, and Alabama.

Hurricane Katrina Natural Disasters. Hurricane Andrew, Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Rita, Storm surge, Tropical cyclone. The Black Death of was the greatest biomedical disaster in world history. In only three years the Bubonic plague killed a third of people in Europe Cantor, pg. Due to a essay on natural disaster of general medical knowledge the plague was easily able to spread Black Death Death Natural Disasters. What is a disaster? According to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies a disaster is a sudden, calamitous event that seriously disrupts the functioning of a community or society and causes human, material, and economic or environmental losses that exceed the Natural Disasters Robbery Society. Abstract Climate change has, since the s become an increasingly unanimous science, with fewer and fewer people dissenting to the view that man is causing the climate to shift, essay on natural disaster, i.

is the cause of anthropogenic climate change. However, solutions to this used to be viewed Natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, typhoons, and hurricanes inflict serious damage and so seem to be bad for the economy. For firms, natural disasters destroy tangible assets such as buildings and equipment as well as human capital and thereby deteriorate their production capacity. Think about how life would be if essay on natural disaster is no earthquake? Build an imagery of what Earth will look like. You will probably say that there would be less destruction, loss of lives and earth would be a safer place to live in. But earthquake Earth Earthquake Natural Disasters, essay on natural disaster. Have you ever been present in a category 5 hurricane? If the answer is no let me tell you that I just wish you never had to go through an experience like that.

In September 20 Hurricane Maria struck Puerto Rico. All the residents in Hurricane Natural Disasters. Abstract The location of Puerto Rico makes it vulnerable to seismic activity due to the different sources that surround the Island. This is why the risk of a tsunami affecting the island increases as it did in The Puerto Rico Trench, located to the Natural Disasters Puerto Essay on natural disaster. Their hometown was hit by a tornado, and they felt the urge to offer their help to the townsfolk. They realized that when a disaster occurs more so naturally, there is Nature is the most precious thing that the earth has. However, there are times when Mother Nature gets angry and natural disasters come down.

It may be a long-term rainstorm causing flooding, which may be prolonged droughts, etc. No matter how it occurs, natural disasters Hurricane Dorian hit the Abaco Islands in September 1st. with winds of mph. Grand Bahama was later affected at an identical intensity, northern side hit with the as a minimum wind speed for 24hrs, essay on natural disaster. That resulted to the utmost catastrophic damages; most structures Essay on natural disaster Katrina is one of only a handful of catastrophic events that will never be overlooked. The result impacts of this storm were very damaging, and most people were still in shock months to years later. This event is close to being as tragic as Hurricane Hurricane Katrina Natural Disasters.

The emergence of satellite remote sensing brought about a revolution in the field of volcanology. Before the availability of space-based observations, volcano monitoring and investigating lava flow behavior relied on thorough fieldwork. During volcanic eruptions and unrest, frequent observation of the volcano is required to Natural Disasters Volcano. Natural disasters such as hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes have been happening since before recorded history, which means that they have been shaping history for centuries. Even more than that, discovering remains centuries later has provided important insight into the past, and let us see Natural Disasters Problems. Internationally known as Haiyan, it has been called the most powerful and destructive storm to make landfall essay on natural disaster noted antiquity not only in the Philippines, but in the world.

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So a flood on an uninhabited island would not count as a disaster, but a flood in a populated area is called a natural disaster. All natural disasters cause loss in some way. Depending on the severity, lives can be lost in any number of disasters. Falling buildings or trees, freezing to death, being washed away, or heat stroke are just some of the deadly effects. Some disasters cause more loss of life than others, and population density affects the death count as well. Fields saturated in salt water after tsunamis take years to grow crops again. Homes destroyed by floods, hurricanes, cyclones, landslides and avalanches, a volcanic eruption, or an earthquake are often beyond repair or take a lot of time to become livable again.

Personal effects, memorabilia, vehicles, and documents also take a hit after many natural disasters. The natural disasters that really affect people worldwide tend to become more intense as the years go on. Frequency of earthquakes, mega storms, and heat waves has gone up considerably in the last few decades. Heavy population in areas that get hit by floods, cyclones, and hurricanes has meant that more lives are lost. In some areas, the population has gotten somewhat prepared for the eventuality of disasters and shelters are built for hurricanes and tornadoes. Scientists, geologists, and storm watchers work hard to predict major disasters and avert as much damage as possible.

But there arestill natural disasters that come up rather unexpectedly, such as earthquakes, wildfires, landslides, or even volcanic eruptions. Areas that are not used to disasters affected by flash floods or sudden hail storms can be affected in an extreme way. However, despite the many natural disasters the world over, mankind has shown amazing resilience. When an area or country is badly affected by a natural disaster, the reaction is always one of solidarity and aid is quick to come. There are organizations set up with the primary goal of being prepared for natural disasters. These groups work on global and local scale rescue work.

Many people talk about when a disaster has hit and their neighbours and countrymen have come to aid, often to their own loss. People will step in and donate items, time, and skills in order to help those affected by a natural disaster. Celebrities will often do what they can to raise money through concerts, phone marathons, and visiting affected areas with aid. People have also shown that they can rebuild, lives can be remade or start over. Trauma is a big after effect of natural disasters and getting counseling has been the focus of aid-to heal emotionally as well as physically.

However, science is making it more possible to predict, aid is faster at coming, and people are learning how to rebuild in safer areas. India is having a high risk towards earthquakes. During the last 20 years, India has experienced 10 major earthquakes that have resulted in more than 35, deaths. The most vulnerable areas, according to the present seismic zone map of India include the Himalayan and Sub-Himalayan regions, Kutch and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Though the regions of the country away from the Himalayas and other inter-plate boundaries were considered to be relatively safe from damaging earthquakes, the presence of a large number of non-engineering structures and buildings with poor foundations in these areas make these regions also susceptible to earthquakes.

In the recent past, even these areas also have experienced earthquake, of lower magnitude than the Himalayan earthquakes. The North-eastern part of the country continues to experience moderate to strong earthquakes. On an average, this region experiences an earthquake with magnitude greater than 5. The Andaman and Nicobar Islands are situated on an inter-plate boundary and therefore are likely to experience damaging earthquakes frequently. The increase in the use of high-technology equipment and tools in manufacturing and service industries have also made them susceptible to disruption due to relatively moderate ground shaking. The country receives an annual precipitation of million hectare meters.

The flood hazard is compounded by the problems of sediment deposition, drainage congestion and synchronization of river floods with sea tides in the coastal plains. The area vulnerable to floods is 40 million hectares and the average area affected by floods annually is about 8 million hectares. About 30 million people are affected by flood every year. Floods in the Indo-Gangetic-Brahmaputra plains are an annual feature. Drought prone areas comprise About 50 million people are affected annually by drought. Of approximately 90 million hectares of rain-fed areas, about 40 million hectares are prone to scanty or no rain.

Of these, the majority has their initial genesis over the Bay of Bengal and strike the east coast of India. On an average, five to six tropical cyclones form every year, of which two or three could be severe. Cyclones occur frequently on both the Coasts the West Coast —Arabian Sea; and the East Coast —Bay of Bengal. More Cyclones occur in the Bay of Bengal than in the Arabian Sea and the ratio is approximately An analysis of the frequency of cyclones on the East and West Coasts of India between and shows that nearly cyclones occurred 92 severe in a 50 km wide strip on the East Coast. Less severe cyclonic activity has been noticed on the West Coast, with 33 cyclones occurring in the same period, out of which 19 of these were severe.

In India, Tropical cyclones occur in the months of May-June and October-November. The cyclones of severe intensity and frequency in the north Indian Ocean are bi-modal in character, with their primary peak in November and secondary peak in May. The disaster potential is particularly high at the time of landfall in the north Indian Ocean Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea due to the accompanying destructive wind, storm surges and torrential rainfall. Of these, storm surges are the greatest killers of a cyclone, by which sea water inundates low lying areas of coastal regions and causes heavy floods, erodes beaches and embankments, destroys vegetation and reduces soil fertility.

In the hilly terrain of India including the Himalayas, landslides have been a major and widely spread natural disasters that often strike life and property and occupy a position of major concern. One of the worst tragedies took place at Malpa Uttrakhand on 11th and 17th August, When nearly people were killed when massive landslides washed away the entire village. This included 60 pilgrims going to Lake. Mansarovar in Tibet. In Cloud burst led flash mudslides and flash floods killed people, including 6 foreigners and injured more than and swept away number of houses, sweeping away buildings, bus stand and military installations in trans-Himalaya Leh town of Jammu and Kashmir.

Giving due consideration to the severity of the problem various land reform measures have been initiated as mitigation measures. Landslides occur in the hilly regions such as the Himalayas, North-East India, the Nilgiris, and Eastern and Western Ghats. Avalanches are river like speedy flow of snow or ice descending from the mountain tops. Avalanches are very damaging and cause huge loss to life and property. In Himalayas, avalanches are common in Drass, Pir Panijat, Lahaul-Spiti and Badrinath areas. As per Snow and Avalanche Study Establishment SASE , of Defence Research and Development Organisation DRDO , on an average around 30 people are killed every year due to this disaster in various zones of the Himalayas.

Beside killing people, avalanches also damage the roads and others properties and settlements falling in its way. Tsunami, or seismic sea waves, are large ocean waves generated by impulses from geophysical events occurring on the ocean floor or along the coastline, such as earthquakes, landslides and volcanic eruptions. Mostly occurring in the Pacific Ocean, tsunamis, although hardly noticeable at sea, can reach gigantic proportions as they reach shallow, coastal waters. In Hawaii and Japan, for example, tsunamis have been known to reach 30 m in height. Now that we have studied the classification of Natural Disasters let us look into some Natural Disasters in depth.

Tornadoes are rotating, funnel-shaped clouds that form as a result of intense thunderstorms. With powerful winds averaging 30 miles per hour, they extend from a thunderstorm to the ground. They can also go from being stationary to 70 miles per hour in a matter of seconds. Tornadoes can strike with little or no notice, giving those in affected areas only seconds to seek shelter. People often endure emotional anguish as a result of the unexpected nature of tornadoes and severe storms. Overwhelming anxiety, difficulty sleeping, and other depression-like symptoms are common reactions to natural disasters. Tropical storms that originate in the southern Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, and the eastern Pacific Ocean are known as hurricanes.

Every year, hurricanes harm millions of people living along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts. Hurricanes are known to cause mental suffering in their victims. Before, during, and after these types of storms, people commonly experience intense anxiety, continual worrying, difficulty sleeping, and other depression-like symptoms. Other symptoms of hurricane-related emotional distress include:. Floods happen when water overflows from an area that is ordinarily dry. Floods are caused by a variety of factors, including hurricanes and tropical storms, broken dams or levees, and flash floods that happen within minutes or hours of heavy rain. Although floods are more common around the shore, especially during hurricane season, they can happen anywhere and vary in magnitude and length.

Even little streams, gullies, and creeks that appear to be unaffected in dry weather might become flooded. Here are some symptoms of emotional discomfort caused by floods:. Mild initial shaking might quickly intensify and become violent. Earthquakes are quite common, and they happen every day somewhere in the world. Even mild earthquakes that cause minor damage and destruction can induce emotional discomfort in people especially in areas not accustomed to these events. Aftershocks can occur for months after an earthquake, and they can be just as distressing. Here are some symptoms of emotional distress caused by earthquakes:.

A drought is a common, recurring meteorological occurrence that varies in intensity and duration depending on the region of the country and even within a state. Drought occurs when precipitation is below average for an extended period of time, usually a season or more. Drought can also be caused by a delay in the rainy season or rain timing in relation to crop development. Some symptoms of drought-related emotional discomfort include:. Feelings of overwhelming anxiety, continual worrying, difficulty sleeping, and other depressive-like symptoms, disagreements between people over limited water supplies, health issues connected to dust, insufficient water flow, or poor water and air quality, and financial problems due to crop failures.

We hope now you are aware of what are natural resources? For firms, natural disasters destroy tangible assets such as buildings and equipment as well as human capital and thereby deteriorate their production capacity. Think about how life would be if there is no earthquake? Build an imagery of what Earth will look like. You will probably say that there would be less destruction, loss of lives and earth would be a safer place to live in. But earthquake Earth Earthquake Natural Disasters. Have you ever been present in a category 5 hurricane? If the answer is no let me tell you that I just wish you never had to go through an experience like that. In September 20 Hurricane Maria struck Puerto Rico. All the residents in Hurricane Natural Disasters.

Abstract The location of Puerto Rico makes it vulnerable to seismic activity due to the different sources that surround the Island. This is why the risk of a tsunami affecting the island increases as it did in The Puerto Rico Trench, located to the Natural Disasters Puerto Rico. Their hometown was hit by a tornado, and they felt the urge to offer their help to the townsfolk. They realized that when a disaster occurs more so naturally, there is Nature is the most precious thing that the earth has. However, there are times when Mother Nature gets angry and natural disasters come down. It may be a long-term rainstorm causing flooding, which may be prolonged droughts, etc. No matter how it occurs, natural disasters Hurricane Dorian hit the Abaco Islands in September 1st.

with winds of mph. Grand Bahama was later affected at an identical intensity, northern side hit with the as a minimum wind speed for 24hrs. That resulted to the utmost catastrophic damages; most structures Hurricane Katrina is one of only a handful of catastrophic events that will never be overlooked. The result impacts of this storm were very damaging, and most people were still in shock months to years later. This event is close to being as tragic as Hurricane Hurricane Katrina Natural Disasters. The emergence of satellite remote sensing brought about a revolution in the field of volcanology.

Before the availability of space-based observations, volcano monitoring and investigating lava flow behavior relied on thorough fieldwork. During volcanic eruptions and unrest, frequent observation of the volcano is required to Natural Disasters Volcano. Natural disasters such as hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes have been happening since before recorded history, which means that they have been shaping history for centuries. Even more than that, discovering remains centuries later has provided important insight into the past, and let us see Natural Disasters Problems. Internationally known as Haiyan, it has been called the most powerful and destructive storm to make landfall in noted antiquity not only in the Philippines, but in the world. The said typhoon was named by the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration PAGASA as Nuclear waste — hundreds of millions of gallons of it — are buried underground after the Cold War.

Years later, it threatens to contaminate major sources of food and water for an entire nation. The government Natural Disasters Nuclear Energy Nuclear Power. An editorial written by New York Times public editor Clark Hoyt and a piece written by doctoral candidate Manoucheka Celeste both examine the ethics behind publishing graphic images of natural disasters. Each piece uniquely examines different perspectives of the issue, allowing readers to come to

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