Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Essay about television

Essay about television

Television According to Graffless than one percent of Americans live without television. Everyone's an expert: the CSI effect's negative impact on juries. These days essay about television number of youths are taking up bullying, smoking, consuming liquor other corrupt practices under the influence of television. Books unlike Television are to be read in silencestressing upon every word, every sentence and letting it slowly seep into your memory through your eyes, while you lie relaxed on your favorite chair or lying down on your bed. Volume: 1. Such vast exposure, essay about television, while sitting in the comfort of your house is only possible because of television.

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Television is one of the greatest inventions of mankind. Since the invention of first ever electronic television inthe television has undergone a number of changes in shape and size as well as in terms of transmission technology and picture quality. Today, the sleek, wall mounted televisions of different sizes are found in billions of houses across the world. They come in different sizes and are also equipped with latest technology, capable of showing hundreds of channels. The television has gained immense popularity over time and today it is found in almost every household, the world over. Sure, it is good for entertainment purposes and is informative, but essay about television also has its set of disadvantages, which we will discuss further in the essay.

Below we have provided long and short essay on television in English language. These Television essay have been written using the simple vocabulary and easy to understand sentences. After going through the essays you would know — what is television; when and who invented it; how a television acts as a medium of education; is the television a boon or a bane; is television corrupting the minds of youth; what are the advantages and disadvantages of television, is television better than books, is television harmful to the society, etc.

Today a television essay about television found in almost every house across the world. The rich, the poor all have it and it is one of their most entertaining possessions. However, the television that we see today is completely different from its predecessor in a number of ways. The first televisions were very basic and started appearing in the early s. Though, they were rudimentary and worked purely on mechanical principles. The concept involved scanning an image and then transmitting it onto a screen. A major breakthrough came when the mechanical scanning system was combined with a cathode ray tube in by a Russian Boris Rosing and English A. Campbell Swinton. He used radio wave technology to remotely transmit images to a device with screen.

His technology was way ahead of mechanical TV concept. Today, the television has become most important household equipment, so much so that it is almost impossible to spot a house without a television set. It is great for entertainment purpose and could be really informative too, but also has certain disadvantages like addiction, explicit and violent content, social and psychological effects on a person etc. Television could really be a great source of education if only informative and knowledge based channels are viewed or subscribed.

There are various channels which offer educational programs for school and college going students. There are also tutorial channels based on specific subjects for the students. A television has a variety of educational programs to cater to a variety of audiences. It has educational programs for the children, the young and also the old. The role of television in education building has been essay about television by many countries around the world. Essay about television is used as a tool for effectively teaching both formal and non formal education.

A television could be synchronized with school curriculum and used to teach a specific subject. It could be effectively impart skills, provide vocational training and other necessary cultural and civic education, when used properly. You just need to switch to educational section in your television and choose from a number of tutorial programs in Physics, essay about television. Despite subject oriented programs, a television offers various other non formal education programs which enhance your overall knowledge on issues other than subject matter. To state a few examples History Channel, Discovery Channel, National Geographic Channel and various other science based Channels do a great deal of imparting education. The role of television in education building is being widely accepted across the world.

The availability of television even essay about television some of the remotest corners of the globe is an added advantage for education through television, essay about television. People, who lack the access to formal education or school concept, essay about television, have a glimmer of hope in television educational programs. Television is an audio visual machine which provides entertainment in the form of various programs, transmitted through air, in the form of radio signals, to be received by your Television. Books on the other hand have no electronics involved and have printed pages, to be read by their prospective Reader and are also aimed at conveying some useful information or entertaining him. Both, books and television are two different modes of information exchange, aimed at providing useful or sometimes bogus information to the user and entertaining him.

But the environment in which they are used and the effect that they have on their respective users are totally different. Television in a normal household is generally placed at common place-a place where the family, friends or visiting relatives gather. People meet in front of Television, to watch their favorite shows, or to just listen lazily to the News. Whatever the reason may be, TV is only a short term entertainment option which does essay about television provide you much useful information except when you are listening to News.

Books unlike Television are to be read in silencestressing upon every word, every sentence and letting it slowly seep into your memory through your eyes, while you lie relaxed on your favorite chair or lying down on your bed. Reading Books is like a spiritual exercise, which satisfies your desire to be entertained in a silent but effective way. Watching Television on the other hand, after sometime will leave you stressed, looking for peace and silence. TV slowly drains your inner peace and tranquility, essay about television, leaving you stressed and flabbergasted. Whatever the TV does to you, Books do just the opposite. Reading a favorite Book in silence sitting on your favorite chair will relax your soul and mind, and the more you read, the more you will feel content and informed.

If a question- Is Television better than books? I will always choose to silently read my favorite book in my favorite environment, rather than watching Television amid noise and commotion. Today, the television is found in billions of houses the world over, essay about television. With such immense popularity and acceptability television has also hugely influenced individuals and even societies. In this essay we will discuss on the boon and bane factors of the television, ending with conclusion. Television, when properly used is a vast sea of knowledge and information as well as the best source of entertainment. There are a number of ways to justify the usefulness of television in our lives.

First of all, it is the most primary and most popular source of entertainment. It provides a number of entertainment programs, ranging from daily soaps, singing and dancing competitions, news channels, movie channels, science and fiction channels, essay about television, business channels, automobile channels and lot more. Moreover, you can view these channels in the language of your choice. Apart from being entertaining, television is also a tool to gain education and information. There are various channels based on subject matters for school and college going students as well as for the students of PhD level. There are also a number of NEWS channels running live news from various corners of the world, essay about television, covering every significant political, social and educational event.

A Television set provides all of this useful information in the comfort of our homes, thus proving that television is a boon to humanity. Despite of all the advantages that make television a boon to human race, there also are certain traits of television which could make it really annoying. Speak of the television as annoying and the first thing that flashes through our minds is noise. The sound of a highly emotional soap opera coming from the next room when you are trying to study or sleep could be quite frustrating and annoying.

Moreover, a television also transmits adult and violent programs which could be really misleading for youngsters. Exposure to such malicious contents impacts the personality and social skills of the youngsters, often making them arrogant, essay about television, hostile, corrupt, violent and socially essay about television. Also, essay about television, addiction to television is an added disadvantage which along with the mentioned effects makes television a bane to humanity. With regards to the above essay about television, it is established that television is both a boon and bane to the humanity.

How we use the television makes essay about television the difference between it being a bane or boon, essay about television. Television is an audio essay about television device which entertains you through various visual programs transmitted through air. The information that it provides is not always useful, however that depends on the user to a larger extent. Television since its inception has a vast affect on Civilization, ranging from health to sociological and sometimes psychological. Though it is a source of information, the incessant use of Televisions has led to many medical conditions and a drastic change in the social fabric.

Watching TV closely or for longer duration also results in tired eyes, essay about television, headache and lost concentration. In past few years there has been a reported increase in the number of children suffering from visual disorders, lost concentration and headache as a consequence of watching TV. Apart from injuring their eye sight, TV slowly makes them inactive turning them into introverts. Instead of going out and playing, mingling with other children, making new friends, they sit motionless and watch TV for hours. The effect that the TV has on their overall persona is not essay about television hard to imagine. Television basically transforms fun loving, outgoing, little enthusiastic wanderers into dumb, essay about television, visually impaired and introvert kids.

The TV ahs also affected the society in the same manner as it has affected the kids. Today if you visit any locality your town, city or village in evening, essay about television, you will find closed doors with different sounds of Television coming from the houses. Instead of socializing in their free time, people have taken to watching their favorite program on TV, essay about television, essay about television provides no informational value at all. Now with the invention of TV, all the doors of socialization got closed and people are silently watching TV behind their closed doors, while there neighbor might be looking for help.

The social and psychological implication of TV is more severe than the effects that it has on health. We need to take strict initiative and change the custom of watching TV, if we desire for better health of our Children and want to give them a healthy and content life. Encourage him to go out and play, tell him to make new friends, essay about television, bring new books for him to read and be a responsible parent. Television is the most widely used and most popular audio visual device used for entertainment and informative purposes. Wide acceptability has made television a household name and its popularity cuts across ages and classes. Youths, however are more vulnerable to the negative effects of television, due to immaturity and tender age, essay about television.

In the following essay about television we will discuss on how television is corrupting the minds of youth and what remedial measures could be taken to eliminate it. First of all, watching television could be a waste of time if not watched for informative or knowledge purpose. Many television programs show inappropriate adult contents, teen violence, drug abuse, sexual and other similar offences, undesirable language, bullying etc. Also, most of the movies shown today contain high degree of violence and bloodshed. Such programs hugely affect the psychological and social behaviour of the youth. An uncontrolled exposure of violent and corrupt programs make the youth arrogant, violent and more prone to corrupt practices.

For example, watching crime based serial or movies make the immature minds of youths to follow the same corrupt practices. Also, essay about television, teens tend to copy undesirable activities like eve teasing and staking, as is shown in many programs and movies.

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In this Television Essay for Students and Children you will read its definition, origin, history, importance, advantages, disadvantages, 10 lines. Television is the most powerful medium for the promotion of entertainment and knowledge of science. It is one of the unique, superlative and brilliant discoveries of science. Television eradicates the tiredness of this runaway life of man, gives him mental peace, and freshens the person again, replenishing the energy to work again. Televisions comprise two words — Tele and Vision. Which means distant worlds or all the beautiful and bizarre pictures before the eyes?

That is why it is called Doordarshan in Hindi. Television is considered as an advanced form of the technology other than radio. A person in radio can keep himself up to date from all the news of the country and the world and can entertain him by listening to various jokes and songs broadcast in radio. In the same way, through television, a person can increase his knowledge by watching and listening to TV along with entertainment. Let me tell you that in the year , John L. from Britain Baird used this brilliant discovery on television for the first time. After this, in , he discovered TV, while Doordarshan was broadcast for the first time in India in Initially, it was very expensive, but now it has reached every home, and now at affordable rates too.

We can purchase television as per your need. This is the reason that now the roots of television are spread all over the world and now it has become a necessity for every household. Television has a different importance for everyone. The programs aired on the cartoon channel by children are very much liked, now that the characters of these programs have replaced the cartoon characters of the comics book. The availability of television even in some of the remotest corners of the globe is an added advantage for education through television. People, who lack the access to formal education or school concept, have a glimmer of hope in television educational programs.

Television is an audio visual machine which provides entertainment in the form of various programs, transmitted through air, in the form of radio signals, to be received by your Television. Books on the other hand have no electronics involved and have printed pages, to be read by their prospective Reader and are also aimed at conveying some useful information or entertaining him. Both, books and television are two different modes of information exchange, aimed at providing useful or sometimes bogus information to the user and entertaining him. But the environment in which they are used and the effect that they have on their respective users are totally different.

Television in a normal household is generally placed at common place-a place where the family, friends or visiting relatives gather. People meet in front of Television, to watch their favorite shows, or to just listen lazily to the News. Whatever the reason may be, TV is only a short term entertainment option which does not provide you much useful information except when you are listening to News. Books unlike Television are to be read in silence , stressing upon every word, every sentence and letting it slowly seep into your memory through your eyes, while you lie relaxed on your favorite chair or lying down on your bed.

Reading Books is like a spiritual exercise, which satisfies your desire to be entertained in a silent but effective way. Watching Television on the other hand, after sometime will leave you stressed, looking for peace and silence. TV slowly drains your inner peace and tranquility, leaving you stressed and flabbergasted. Whatever the TV does to you, Books do just the opposite. Reading a favorite Book in silence sitting on your favorite chair will relax your soul and mind, and the more you read, the more you will feel content and informed. If a question- Is Television better than books? I will always choose to silently read my favorite book in my favorite environment, rather than watching Television amid noise and commotion.

Today, the television is found in billions of houses the world over. With such immense popularity and acceptability television has also hugely influenced individuals and even societies. In this essay we will discuss on the boon and bane factors of the television, ending with conclusion. Television, when properly used is a vast sea of knowledge and information as well as the best source of entertainment. There are a number of ways to justify the usefulness of television in our lives. First of all, it is the most primary and most popular source of entertainment. It provides a number of entertainment programs, ranging from daily soaps, singing and dancing competitions, news channels, movie channels, science and fiction channels, business channels, automobile channels and lot more.

Moreover, you can view these channels in the language of your choice. Apart from being entertaining, television is also a tool to gain education and information. There are various channels based on subject matters for school and college going students as well as for the students of PhD level. There are also a number of NEWS channels running live news from various corners of the world, covering every significant political, social and educational event. A Television set provides all of this useful information in the comfort of our homes, thus proving that television is a boon to humanity. Despite of all the advantages that make television a boon to human race, there also are certain traits of television which could make it really annoying.

Speak of the television as annoying and the first thing that flashes through our minds is noise. The sound of a highly emotional soap opera coming from the next room when you are trying to study or sleep could be quite frustrating and annoying. Moreover, a television also transmits adult and violent programs which could be really misleading for youngsters. Exposure to such malicious contents impacts the personality and social skills of the youngsters, often making them arrogant, hostile, corrupt, violent and socially obscure. Also, addiction to television is an added disadvantage which along with the mentioned effects makes television a bane to humanity.

With regards to the above explanation, it is established that television is both a boon and bane to the humanity. How we use the television makes all the difference between it being a bane or boon. Television is an audio visual device which entertains you through various visual programs transmitted through air. The information that it provides is not always useful, however that depends on the user to a larger extent. Television since its inception has a vast affect on Civilization, ranging from health to sociological and sometimes psychological. Though it is a source of information, the incessant use of Televisions has led to many medical conditions and a drastic change in the social fabric. Watching TV closely or for longer duration also results in tired eyes, headache and lost concentration.

In past few years there has been a reported increase in the number of children suffering from visual disorders, lost concentration and headache as a consequence of watching TV. Apart from injuring their eye sight, TV slowly makes them inactive turning them into introverts. Instead of going out and playing, mingling with other children, making new friends, they sit motionless and watch TV for hours. The effect that the TV has on their overall persona is not very hard to imagine. Television basically transforms fun loving, outgoing, little enthusiastic wanderers into dumb, visually impaired and introvert kids. The TV ahs also affected the society in the same manner as it has affected the kids. Today if you visit any locality your town, city or village in evening, you will find closed doors with different sounds of Television coming from the houses.

Instead of socializing in their free time, people have taken to watching their favorite program on TV, which provides no informational value at all. Now with the invention of TV, all the doors of socialization got closed and people are silently watching TV behind their closed doors, while there neighbor might be looking for help. The social and psychological implication of TV is more severe than the effects that it has on health. We need to take strict initiative and change the custom of watching TV, if we desire for better health of our Children and want to give them a healthy and content life.

Encourage him to go out and play, tell him to make new friends, bring new books for him to read and be a responsible parent. It has brought theaters and cinemas into our bedrooms. It is a great source of education, information, and entertainment. It is very popular among all of us as it caters to the tastes of people of all ages and jobs. One can sit back in the comfort of one's drawing-room and select a program of one's choice. A whole world of education, information, and entertainment is before a viewer to choose from. There are special programs for special fields and activities, all 24 hours of the day and night. It has also revolutionized advertisements, businesses, and shopping. It has replaced cinema to a great extent.

There are teaching aids programs from which all levels of students get benefits. It has helped a lot in the spread of education and removal of ignorance and superstitions. Now, television has become a part of our daily life. People spend many hours daily viewing television programs. Many of the programs are educative. Its reach is very wide. Even in rural and far-off areas, it is now common and popular. There are programs for the youth children, women, rural population, farmers, traders, businessmen, sport - lovers, and music lovers.

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