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Human cloning persuasive essay

Human cloning persuasive essay

The stem cell controversy is still as heated as ever because each side claims the moral high human cloning persuasive essay. That is why it is argued that cloning should not become part of the society. It can also be foreseen that once scientists acquire the skill to clone successfully, the value of life and ecosystem would deteriorate quickly and the need to preserve the animal species and humans would be eliminated. Facebook Google, human cloning persuasive essay. Our services. Stem cells are another example of a controversial treatment that is taking the medical field by storm.

Modern Science Vs Religion

Humans are the most intelligent, human cloning persuasive essay, ergonomic, and dominant species known to inhabit this little blue marble known as Earth. However, as science progresses, morals and ethics become a deciding factor in whether certain scientific experiments can be performed. Human cloning is an human cloning persuasive essay whose dividing line is ethics. Human cloning has been a topic of debate for now a matter of centuries, and the majority of those…. Cloning is a big controversial issue around the globe, and this isn 't anything new to us.

We have seen cloning in movies, cartoons, and in video games. The idea of cloning has been bounced around a lot since When we think about human cloning persuasive essay, we see the future, the only thing we fail to realize is the damage it will cause. Morality Vs. Evolution on the Improvement of Life: Embryonic Stem Cell Research In Beau Watts' essay "Embryonic Stem Cell Research: A Moral Evil or Obligation" Decemberthe author claims that embryonic stem cells are the answer for humanity to have an overall better life. Watts, an emergency room physician in Kansas City, Missouri explains the complex properties of embryonic stems cells while also discussing the properties of other proponents for altering genes, such as embryonic germ cells….

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If human cloning is legalized and practiced regularly, soon the hospitals will be full of babies with genetic birth defects. The babies will be dependent on respirators as their lungs and heart will be deformed or malfunctioning. Brain damage would be a common occurrence in babies and the ability to suckle will not be present in babies and they would require to be fed with feeding tubes. If not these, then infants will have severe physical deformity. The infants who will have normal physical appearance may suffer from autism, epilepsy or other genetic abnormality.

Moreover, the scientists who are favoring human cloning, their readiness for the same is questionable. The strong argument against the human cloning is that the reprogramming which is required for successful creation of embryo is still under research. For animal cloning, scientists insert the adult cell DNA into dozens of eggs and give electricity shocks to initiate the cell division mandatory for embryo creation. Out of all the eggs made to go through this process, at the most only 2 per cent gives rise to an embryo and out of them only 10 to 15 per cent are normal. Hence, as evident, the ratio of successful and healthy live infant is minuscule. Moreover, cloning can make the human gene pool defective and produce irreversible negative effects on the genetic make-up of cells.

The environmentalists are also opposing human cloning as the genetic engineering has already demonstrated some major side-effects on the evolution and sustenance of some animal species like the impact of genetic modification of BT corn on monarch butterfly. Similarly the side effects of human cloning on human race should also be simulated in detail, not only for short term but also for the hundreds of years to come. It is obvious that the human cloning will definitely have an impact on human race and it could be negative as well. It can also be foreseen that once scientists acquire the skill to clone successfully, the value of life and ecosystem would deteriorate quickly and the need to preserve the animal species and humans would be eliminated. This would disturb the ecosystem and cloning, by no means provides the assurance of sustenance of ecosystem and survival of diverse species.

Ethically, the clones who will be produced would be an individual with independent thinking and feelings; however, it contrasts with the purpose of producing the clones. The clones would be bought into existence so that they can donate their organs or replace a lost person, hence merely to serve a need. This process would not respect the emotions of clone and the concerned parents or relatives will not regard the clone as a living individual. There would be utter confusion and on moral grounds, the clones would only be created to fulfill the need which would be contrary to be created for love.

Human cloning would also enable the humans to predetermine the traits they prefer in the offspring and this would lead to degeneration of family life and individuality of offspring. This may sound to be an exaggerated version of the social issues raised by cloning, however this could prove to be true as well. Children from cloning would evolve and acquire traits as per parents preference and would become what their parents envisage them to be, in a way becoming the robots with no individual desire and goals of life. This would lead to a chain of desires which shall be forced on succeeding generation by the preceding generation. The ban on human cloning also has a religious perspective.

It is being believed by many that human life is a divine creation and all the humans are to be born in natural way and not created through some scientific process. Once the life is started to be generated in laboratories, the value which is being attached to life by humans and law and order would diminish. Human cloning is a phenomenon which has the power to change the destiny of every single human being living. The feeling of comfort spreads all over when there is possibility of several organ donors and no human shall die again from kidney failure. Cancer, the most dreaded disease which is still considered as untreatable becomes curable because there are many people around on whom the experiments can be conducted to search for the cure of cancer.

These people who become the object of experiments are the clones of humans who are created to serve the requirement of being a donor or a test object. Human cloning would give scientists the full realm to free entire human race of all diseases and weaknesses, to unravel the mystery of DNA and other cellular mechanisms due to availability of ample objects for experimentation. This procedure would enhance the quality of life of humans. Human cloning is expected to pave way for many major medical breakthroughs. The embryos which will be used as testing object will be a living specimen and would have been created for testing and experimentation purpose only.

It is not unethical to use live embryos for testing purpose as it would not involve the degeneration of human life. The value of human life remains same always and in order to enhance the quality of life and to cure people from deadly crippling diseases, these embryos would be used. Also, the people who consider human cloning unethical and wrong on moral grounds should also express same views on abortions and termination of pregnancy. Human cloning is an extension of stem cell research and is totally committed to be carried on under the realms of ethics.

All these health condition can be treated through the advancement by human cloning. It would serve to make life better of humans. The valuable information which would be obtained from the cell pool of such specimens would provide immense benefits to humans to fight against the deadly diseases. Also, when human cloning is an answer to the incurable diseases, why should the governments ban it on the pretext of it being unsafe and unethical. In vitro fertilization is not always successful and human cloning has brighter chances of creating children. In vitro fertilization is also a way of creating child in laboratory and still, not many people are objecting to it.

The embryo created by human cloning would be with the consent of parents and would be done only when the technology is so advanced that the infant produced is free of abnormalities. Also, with the help of technology, the abnormality in developing embryo can be detected and the development of those embryos can be hindered, this would ensure that babies are not born with abnormalities and only the perfect babies are born. With the development of human cloning, the side effects of human cloning on environment would also disappear as the human clones cannot be assumed to have any side effect on the ecosystem. On the contrary, the advancement in cloning technology would enable humans to revive the species on the verge of extinction and would re-establish the balance of ecosystem.

The value of human life can never diminish as even the clone of the person would not be identical to the person in thought process and application of mind. Also, our developed society is prepared to address the issues raised by the clones and to protect their rights. Though clones are to be created on the need purpose, it would entirely be the decision of clone to serve that purpose or not. The clones would also have the life and liberty equal to humans and they would not be servile to humans. In spite of option of cloning available, it is believed that the natural process of reproduction and birth of children would prevail and cloning would be considered as an option in required critical cases only.

Hence, it is no way a threat to human existence and we ought to take it as a scientific process committed to improve the quality of human life. The strongest argument given in favor of human cloning is that the infertile couple can have the child through human cloning. This does not justifies the human cloning as there are already several ways through which an infertile couple can have child. The existing methods have proven to be a success and also, this statement is not a grave situation for which human cloning can be justified to be legalized. Cloning of a lost child of parents would only prove to be an emotional trauma for parents as the child, though being identical physically to their child, would be a different individual altogether. The parents would have to adjust to the new requirements of their cloned child and this could lead to an emotional mess.

The embryos which are targeted to be used as object of test are also living and possess the capability to develop in a perfect baby, given an opportunity. This would be similar to using a human baby for test purpose. When the killing of human baby for test purpose is considered unethical, the killing of human clone baby would also be unethical. The babies developed through cloning technique when identified with fatal abnormalities would be discarded or euthanized like animal babies and the parents would not have any objection to this and also, the law would permit for this does not seems to be a feasible and agreeable statement.

The babies with fatal abnormalities when born would be with their parents and would cause much more emotional pain than of being childless and infertile. The environmentalists are correct in their opinion that human cloning would disturb the ecosystem as the population would increase comprising of clones also which would be produced for every possible reason and either government has to intervene to regulate the process of creation of human cloning or else it would be exploited so much that every single individual would have one clone. For example, human clone is created for kidney and kidneys from human clone would be easily available. Keeping aside the natural reasons of kidney failure, kidney failure due to liquor consumption is almost 40 per cent.

Consider the human nature, once a person is aware that the kidney is easily replaceable, the value attached to kidney deteriorates and the liquor consumption would increase. There have been many misleading teaching through the centuries. This results in a whole organism with the same genetic makeup of the donator of the somatic cell See Appendix B for a diagram of the process. After being chemically induced, embryonic stem cells will be created. The stem cells can be used in discovering more about diseases and developing treatments for them Bradford,…. This prohibition did not stop President George W. Bush and President Obama from relaxing this rule by funding research with newer stem cell lines. Those presidents had to distinguish between the un-fundable activities that actually create human embryonic stem cells and the fundable activities that use those cells Power, C.

The stem cell controversy is still as heated as ever because each side claims the moral high ground. One side defends the rights of the most vulnerable and the other promotes research that may one day help to save countless lives, a real compromise is not possible. There are two types of cloning: Therapeutic cloning and Reproductive cloning. Reproductive cloning involves creating an identical organism through somatic cell nuclear transfer, and then destroying…. Home Flashcards Create Flashcards Essays Essay Topics Writing Tool. Essays Essays FlashCards. Browse Essays. Sign in. Flashcard Dashboard Essay Dashboard Essay Settings Sign Out. Home Page Persuasive Essay On Human Cloning. Persuasive Essay On Human Cloning Words 6 Pages Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality.

Show More. Related Documents Modern Science Vs Religion This non-acceptance of the truth is the result of centuries of religion being in control of society. Read More. Check out the link to find out more. According to Wikipedia , cloning can facilitate a divide among the groups of people. This is a relatively significant drawback of human cloning, so you can mention it in your essay. Another important and widely known drawback of human cloning is the fact that cloning is against morality and religious ethics. Some people are against cloning because they consider that cloning of humans will result in people becoming creators, and this will certainly challenge the authority of God.

Religion definitely represents a motivating factor that might persuade you to take a side against the technology of human cloning. Many researches on cloning of human beings are entirely devoted to the moral side of this technology. As a tip to writing an essay on cloning, you might consider discussing the ethical viewpoint on cloning in your paper. Ethical side of the question greatly contributes to the argumentation against human cloning. You can use some of the basic ideas regarding the morality of cloning in your paper to make it more consistent and persuasive.

One more drawback of cloning is that it can be used as a means of human exploitation. Although this point of view can be argued about as it seems more like a topic for science-fiction movie, still there is an opinion that some people might use cloning for their unlawful personal interests or crime. That is why it is argued that cloning should not become part of the society. Otherwise, the consequences might be drastic. You can reflect this idea in your paper and present a few revolutionary thoughts on what will become of the world if cloning takes a common place in the society. If you want to get some more information on how to write cloning essays, check out our blog.

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