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Moral education essay

Moral education essay

Kohlberg's Six Stages of Moral Development Crain holds that the child development scholar and moral philosopher, moral education essay, Lawrence Kohlberg, noted that kids progress across distinct moral development stages similar to the way they progress across cognitive development stages defined by Piaget. Does coding entail moral judgment? This is a constricted view of moral development. Moral education also aims to foster religious tolerance among pupils. Moral judgments appear in Stage 2 of the internalization process.

The Behaviorist Tradition

Adult moral agency encompasses several distinct capacities. Moral discernment is recognition of right and wrong. Moral responsiveness is the ability to feel moral emotions such as remorse, empathy, and admiration under appropriate conditions. Moral judgment is the ability to weigh conflicting moral claims and make reasoned choices in specific circumstances. Competing theories of moral development differ in how these capacities are conceptualized, the relative weights assigned them, and how they are moral education essay. These differences generate distinctive educational implications. The theories discussed in this entry represent two major intellectual traditions: the cognitivist tradition, which focuses on mental representation and evaluation, and the behaviorist tradition, which focuses on moral action and external influences on the agent.

Although these research programs are different in emphasis, everyone concerned acknowledges that a full account of moral agency must include both action and judgment. For both traditions, moral education essay, the challenge is to address the aspect of moral agency that is not its primary focus. In the s, Jean Piaget questioned children about invented rules for marbles. This moral orientation he characterized as heteronomous: Morality and obligation were imposed from outside. Older children, by contrast, were autonomous in orientation.

They moral education essay not regard rules as sacrosanct, moral education essay. They considered new ones and evaluated them based on their fairness. Moral education essay attributed these differences to two factors. First, interacting with peers and settling disputes without adult aid helps children understand the function of rules and recognize that they are negotiable. Second, older children have developed more complex cognitive structures. This account anticipates constructivist learning theory and is widely reflected in current educational practices—for example, explicit teaching of sharing and turn-taking in preprimary settings and group problem solving by older children.

A sixth stage, proposed as an ideal endpoint of development, has not been verified empirically. Class discussion of moral dilemmas has indeed been shown to accomplish this, particularly if it is accompanied by extensive peer interaction. Kohlberg, however, became dissatisfied with the discussion approach. He concluded that a context of shared values and democratic procedures would foster development, moral education essay. She proposed that girls followed a different developmental path that emphasized care and attachment rather than the abstract principles of justice, which the moral dilemmas elicit. Although cross-cultural studies generally confirm the universality of stages, members of isolated, homogeneous communities score lower than cosmopolitan subjects, leading some scholars to charge ethnocentricity.

This response, however, moral education essay, raises the question of what role reasoning plays in moral agency. If two people act on the same Stage 2 reason, moral education essay the one who gives Stage 4 reasons in another context more highly developed? There is, indeed, some evidence that higher-stage thinking is as likely to be associated with rationalization as with moral decision making. Behaviorism focuses on observable factors that affect how someone acts. This is a constricted view of moral development. They cannot exercise moral judgment. Theories in the behaviorist tradition all confront this challenge. Social learning theorists acknowledge that reinforcement shapes conduct, moral education essay, but they contend that not all learning can be explained in this way.

Many grade school students, for example, learn and follow classroom rules without individual punishment or reward. Albert Bandura introduced the term observational learning to explain this phenomenon. Observational learning moral education essay two elements: first, modeling of behavior by another person and imitation by the learner; second, vicarious experience through reinforcement directed at others. Teachers rely on observational learning when they demonstrate classroom procedures moral education essay when they praise attentive children to encourage others to emulate them. Does observational learning involve moral judgment? The agent must select which behavioral models to imitate and by which vicarious experience to be influenced—a freedom not afforded by direct reinforcement.

But does selection involve moral evaluation? According to Bandura, the selection process involves coding: the reduction of complex events to a few essential features for storage in long-term memory. Depending on the effect, this memory would reinforce either honest or dishonest behavior. Does coding entail moral judgment? Not necessarily. If the friend pays no penalty, the effect on future behavior might be the exact opposite of what moral judgment would dictate. Social learning theory explains behavior better than cognitive developmental theory. Research shows that vicarious experience does influence cheating, whereas the role of moral reasoning is unclear.

The problem remains, however, that social learning theory explains moral action as the effect of social influence. It shows why people do the right thing, but not why someone would do the right thing for the right reason. Internalization research has attempted to fill this gap. Research on internalization of values builds on social learning theory but differs in several important respects. First, unlike learning, internalization occurs only when the agent acts independently, without surveillance or reinforcement. Second, internalization research is not content neutral.

Correct, desirable, or worthwhile values are the primary focus. Third, the role of moral judgment is preserved, moral education essay. Social pressure alone can produce compliance, but not willing compliance. Several different research programs contribute to this field. Attachment research investigates the bond between infant and mother and its effect on development. Moral education essay research focuses on the different ways people adopt beliefs and commitments and how these contribute to healthy functioning. Although the family is a primary unit of interest in this field, research has also been conducted in schools, colleges, churches, and other settings. Internalization during childhood can be described as a two-person interaction in two stages.

In Stage 1, a mentor parent or teacher communicates a value to the subject the child. In Stage 2, the subject decides whether or not to adopt the value and behave accordingly. The factors affecting internalization are characteristics of the mentor, the child, and their interaction. To communicate effectively, the mentor must be clear, consistent, and sincere and must convey the importance of the issue, moral education essay. Modeling can contribute to the process, but the main emphasis is on moral education essay teaching and persuasion. Motivation can be negative or positive. Threats and power assertion by the moral education essay provoke resistance; humor and reason assuage it. The mentor can generate positive motivation through warmth, reciprocity, and stimulation of empathy for those affected by the behavior.

Moral judgments appear in Stage 2 of the internalization process, moral education essay. Deciding whether to believe a value assertion is a judgment about the rightness or wrongness of the action in question. Elliott conducted a role-play exercise to teach third-graders the injustice of racial discrimination, an exercise based on eye color. All of the elements of the model—clarity, sincerity, warmth, reason, and empathy, among others—are clearly visible in the film. In a follow-up discussion, the participants, now adults, moral education essay, reported having acted throughout their lives on lessons learned in that exercise.

This simplified model describes internalization from toddlerhood through early adolescence. Beginning in middle adolescence, the focus shifts from whether to how values are internalized. Self-determination research has identified three distinct styles of internalization. Introjected values are experienced as internal compulsion, a feeling of obligation that is not welcomed and not felt as part of oneself, moral education essay. Values with which one identifies are felt as part of oneself, but not moral education essay an essential part, because they are not integrated with other aims. Integrated values are experienced as an essential part of oneself, values one could not reject and still be the same person.

Integrated values are most stable and conducive to healthy functioning. In general, with appropriate developmental adjustments, the factors that promote internalization in childhood promote integrated internalization in adolescence and adulthood. Internalization, in short, maintains the focus on moral action characteristic of the behaviorist tradition, yet also makes a place for moral judgment, moral education essay. In this respect, it is the most comprehensive of the accounts of moral development reviewed here. Not surprisingly, it is also the most complex.

Does internalization offer a complete account of moral development? Does integrated internalization— the adoption and consolidation of values—represent achievement of moral agency? Some might object that integrated internalization places values beyond critical scrutiny and moral education essay represents a restriction of agency rather than its culmination. One could argue, however, that the model does require scrutiny of values before internalization and also that adult moral agents do face restricted options, because they do not allow themselves to act contrary to conscience. The behaviorist and cognitivist traditions both have empirical support. Their central tenets—that reasoning and external influences contribute to moral development—could both be true at the same time.

Convergent tendencies in these traditions reinforce their compatibility. The competing theories and heterogeneous research clearly establish that achievement of full moral agency is a complex process. The journey begins early in life and takes a long time to complete. A great many moral education essay and aspects of education affect the outcome. Much is known about some of these influences on education, moral education essay, such as parenting styles, attachment, and effects of discussion on levels of moral reasoning.

About others, knowledge is rudimentary. This example Moral Education Essay is published for educational and informational purposes only. If you need a custom essay or research paper on this topic please use our writing services. com offers reliable custom essay writing services that can help you to receive high grades and impress your professors with the quality of each essay or research paper you hand in.

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All have been positively reviewed e. Each contains many distinct moral messages, some plain, others less so. Each also deals with situations that require moral decisions. Charlotte's web Charlotte's web is a story about eight-year-old Fern, who, while growing up on a farm, loves and nurtures a pet pig, Wilbur. Wilbur grows up with help from Fern and various animal friends, including a wise…. Emile Durkheim is regarded as one of the proverbial founding fathers of sociological research and theory. The two main works of his that can easily be considered his most brilliant and affecting works are The ules of Sociological Method and The Division of Labor in Society.

This particular report focuses on a particular article that was written for and appeared in a scholarly journal article in The article spoke of Durkheim's theories and how the theory and practice of society very much confirm and verify the assertions that Durkheim made. Specifically, the article focuses on the Moral Education treatise offered by Durkheim. While sociological theory and insight is not an exact science is far from definitive even in the modern day, it is clear to anyone who would pay attention why Durkheim is held in the same fairly high to very high regard as other sociological theories such as….

References Prus, R. Examining Community Life 'in the Making': Emile Durkheim's Moral Education. American Sociologist, 42 1 , She paid good money for tuition and didn't take advantage of her opportunities to learn. She also lost out on increasing her self-esteem in a natural way by rising to meet challenges and doing her best. Instead of feeling proud, she felt guilty. If she confesses to her school, she will probably be kicked out and it will be on her record forever. She is not likely to do that. However, because she is going to be a teacher, herself, she can talk to her students about her experience honestly and have meaningful discussions in her classrooms.

She can tell her students that if they get sick, they can call her, and she will make arrangements to postpone the deadline. Jane wishes now that she had got caught the first time she did it -- then, she never would have done it again. So, she can purchase TurnItIn, software designed…. The State has also established a string of both general and specific policies for improving and developing special education and set aside special funds for this purpose. Consequently, just like regular education, special education has also developed rapidly. Although local governments are encouraged to provide compulsory education to children with and without disabilities, the enacted policies do not necessitate that education be provided to all students.

Despite the fact that students with disabilities were earlier educated in special schools, China has adopted new channels of special education including the integration of disabled children into general education classes. Currently, the number of disabled children enrolled in schools has continued to experience a big increase since Although many articles in the laws formulated by the Chinese government call for the overall education of handicapped children, special education for children with autism or severe disabilities is not directly mentioned in these policies…. References: Baker, M. China's Bid for World Domination. China's Special Education: A Comparative Analysis.

Education of Abbasid Today, the majority of high school students hope to finish college one day. This is a realistic dream for many, as there is an established education system that gives students a choice of career paths and training. The modern world if full of universities and training centers. However, the world was not always like this. Many centuries ago, education was limited to the privileged and even the privileged did not have many opportunities in learning. Today's existing modern educational system has been influenced by traditions of the past, particularly by the great advances that occurred during the Abbasid Dynasty in the Muslim world. One of the achievements of Muslim culture during the Abbasid Dynasty was the widespread spread of literacy.

Elementary education was almost universal, especially in the cities. Emphasis on the value of reading and writing stems from the very first revelations of the Qur'an, which…. Finding out about other peoples and cultures, through technology, will be an essential part of education in the years to come. Numerous aspects of the current educational system will need to be improved in future years. The focus must be on children's individual needs and abilities. Today, standardized tests and general requirements frequently restrict students' opportunities to learn. Many youngsters do not get the attention they need, or the enrichment they deserve. Teachers often lack the necessary resources to prepare children for the real world, or to deal with children's real world problems.

Young people have difficulties at home, or in their personal lives, and educators do not have the training to deal with these potentially serious problems. Disruptive and violent behavior can lead to tragedy. Children do not receive sufficient ethical…. This task can be performed with the support of animated movies. The teacher can introduce a certain character within the documentary, and seek the participation of the students for understanding of the traits and behavior of the particular character, and at the end of the day; the teacher can relate those traits with the essence of moral and ethical values.

htm It is also important that the rights of the teachers are protected, and this can be achieved only if the teachers under their limited capacity are able to make and understand the students their importance and significance, not only within the premises of the school, but also in the society. This is an important aspect that has to be handled and treated with due diligence, because unless the teacher is successful in making their students respect them, it will be difficult to communicate and teach the students, otherwise. References Margot Kaplan-Sanoff, Renee Yablans.

Exploring Early Childhood: readings in theory and practice. Collier Macmillan. Adolescent Character and Personality. University Publications. Developing Moral-spiritual Values in the Schools. Meyer, Brian Burnham, John Cholvat. Values education: theory, practice, problems, prospects. A group that is, by its very nature, mentally defective, will also easily be viewed as incapable of supporting itself without help - a strain on the larger society. In terms of modern day American society, this could be seen as declaring that African-Americans, and other similarly impoverished and marginalized groups, are likely to remain forever within the care of the social welfare system. Believers in such ideas might easily raise the question - why bother with caring for these people at all?

More to the point; however, is the question of whether there is really anything wrong with most of these individuals at all? Clearly, a large part of their "mental disabilities" derive from internal and external assumptions about what it means to be African-American, or a member of some similarly tagged minority group. A multicultural approach to the educational process helps to guarantee that all individuals are ranked…. Cultural Construction Zones. A www. From Pathology to Power: Rethinking Race, Poverty and Disability. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 12 1 , There are others though that believes that learners are born with certain innate capabilities that are then shaped and formed from the outside Montessori theory, No matter which theory one looks at though the bottom line is that each philosophy is based on the idea that everything possible should be done to encourage as much learning as possible.

All philosophies are based on the fact that education should be about learning and that no matter how the learning takes place, what environment is takes place in or under what circumstances the edn result should be something was learned. Educational philosophy in general believes that in order for people to be successful and productive they must learn as much as possible and that this should be done by way of formal education. eferences Chinn, C. Epistemological Beliefs. How Progressive Education Gets it Wrong. References Chinn, C. Rousseau's Errors: They Persist Today in Educational Theory. Moral Criticisms of the Market Moral Criticisms Market This assignment requires read article Ken S. Note article, Ewert defending free market "Christian Socialists. Ewert's criticisms of 'Christian socialists' in light of current debates on other types of economic policies today.

Ewert portrays Christian, leftist defenders of socialism as impervious to logic, in contrast to other former critics of capitalism, who grew more acclimated to capitalist principles in light of the failure of the Soviet Union Similar criticisms are made of 21st century religious fundamentalists, who stress the need for private enterprise to address societal problems 'on principle,' even when public regulation might be helpful and who try to define science, including science education, in religious terms rather than in terms of…. Reference Ewert, Kenneth. Moral criticisms of the market. Most of the time research results are often used as the basis for a lot of other research.

If a particular piece of research is done in an unethical way or has a hidden agenda to it then the ramifications of this could be very widespread. Research must be designed and carried out so that it is as accurate as possible. Many times there are important things in people's lives that hinder on how a particular research study turns out. Another big implication is that particularly with educational research, there is usually a major university or institution that is sponsoring the research. If research is done poorly or with any major flaws then this ends up reflecting upon whoever sponsored it. This is one thing that these institutions and universities do not want to happen as it ends up doing damage to their reputations.

A school with a bad reputation…. Education mirrors life. And, life follows from education. Both entities are inextricably linked. This is a salient point that most teachers and students must recognize. And by teachers, one also means students of a particular domain -- even if that domain is global and extensible to every aspect of life -- since the process of learning never stops. In developing a philosophy of education, one must also be able to dissociate education from literacy -- the latter being far more important. The crux of this essay will be to show that since each individual -- and this is common knowledge -- is different, then the process of education should not devolve into a one- size-fits-all groupthink straitjacket.

How should education then be defined? As a mode of instruction that leaves avenues open, into which, aspects of a student's or teacher's life experiences and richness of talents and culture might be…. According to a British Study conducted on all students born in the first week of March , and following them through adolescence and on until the age of twenty-three: There were no average differences between grouped and ungrouped schools because within the grouped schools, high-group students performed better than similar students in ungrouped schools, but low-group students did worse. Students in remedial classes performed especially poorly compared to ungrouped students with similar family backgrounds and initial achievement. With low-group losses offsetting high-group gains, the effects on productivity were about zero, but the impact on inequality was substantial.

High-ability students benefited from segregation, but low-ability students did even worse than before. And while low-ability pupils received no benefit whatsoever from the tracking system, neither did their schools. The net gain in performance among…. Teacher Leader. Phi Delta Kappan, 82 6 , Brown Center on Education Policy, the Brookings Institution. Brown Center Report on American Education: Institutional retrenchment can be both painful and contentious. Can administrators ascribe to "ethical retrenchment"? What might the ethics of retrenchment consist of?

Ethical retrenchment is the idea of downsizing and cutting expenses in an ethical way. This consists of remembering that the staff that are being let go is in fact people and not just a number. Administrators can ascribe to ethical retrenchment by being as open and honest with their employees as they can be and by giving them as much notice that downsizing is going to occur. Another thing that can be done is a job counselor can be provided in order to help employees to deal with the uncertainty that they are experiencing. If retrenchment is not handled in a positive way it will lead to depression and low morale, neither which is good for an organization as a whole Ethics, eferences Fischer, Karin.

References Fischer, Karin. College in Colorado Fires President. The Chronicle of Higher Education, 52 9 , p. Education The current state of institutions of higher learning is interesting and complex. The structure of universities throughout the world brings into question the traditional purpose of universities juxtaposed to the current climate at universities. In particular there is a great emphasis placed on the state of business education at Universities. An article entitled, "Scholarship in university business schools" written by Craig et al. The purpose of this essay is to provide a critical review of the conclusions made in the article. I will then discuss whether or not I agree with some or all of the conclusions, findings and opinions of the author.

Article critique The article takes into consideration different assertions made by academics throughout the years related to defining traditional universities and corporate universities. I didn't find a clear definition of what a traditional university is in the article. Works cited Craig, R. Education John Gatto is one of the few teachers who are speaking out against the current educational culture who knows what he is talking about. After teaching the state of New York, which has one of the highest per student budgets in the nation, uses many progressive teaching theories, and still produces some of the lowest test scores in the nation, his frustration comes from a wealth of experience.

Teachers who start their careers with a sincere desire to educate students have their hands are tied by multi-cultural disconnectedness and a socialist teaching culture which discourages individual accomplishment. The frustration expressed by Mr. Gatto Berlau, is likely only the tip of the iceberg representing the depth of the nationwide problem. From Atlanta to Minneapolis, news papers are filled with stories of failing students, failing schools, and school systems which are confused as to the source of the problem. Works Cited Pink, Daniel H.

Asghar, I. Education, Vol. Insight on the News. HAINES, ERRIN. EDUCATION NOTEBOOK. They will lose experienced people, putting additional pressure on the rest of the staff, and they will find their staff accomplishes less and is more dissatisfied with their situation. These are very negative traits inside any organization that can help lead to discontent and eventual failure. A bad attitude can spread like wildfire, and the moral leader knows this and treats everyone fairly, no matter where they are in the organizational structure. It is the moral thing to do, but it also makes for a much healthier and happier organization. Studies indicate that trust and respect play a major role in the function of organizations. Thus, trust and respect play a major role in how leaders teach and…. References Clawson, James G.

The line of legitimacy, separating socially approvable use of force from violence, cannot be effectively drawn without an agreement on what constitutes the optimum amount of force necessary to maintain social order and to protect human rights against encroachment. A society subscribing to infinite morality which condemns all use of force as immoral is doomed no less than a society accepting the absolute pragmatism of tyrants. The attitude of absolute pragmatism can easily lead to the acceptance of political assassinations, as long as such acts may help the final political purpose. An example of absolute pragmatism can be the regime initiated by Hitler, who ordered the extermination of all Jews in an attempt to "purify" the human race by excluding anyone who did not fill in the Arian ideal.

Works Cited Ben-Yehuda, Nachman. Political Assassination Events as a Cross- Cultural form of Alternative Justice. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, Vol. Feliks, Gross. The Revolutionary Party. Essays in the Sociology of Politics. Westport: Greenwood Press. Further, Sergiovanni argues that it is because of this managerial mystique that schools have been unable to capture, and build learning communities from, true leadership. Instead, schools have been obsessed with "doing things right at the expense of doing the right things. Teacher appraisal systems become substitutes for good teaching. in-service takes the place of changes in practice, congeniality substitutes for collegiality, cooperation moves in over commitment and compliance takes over for actual results.

The result is that schools become trained in incapacity, or doing only ones job in isolation as opposed to working as a team and the loss of goals, which therefore leads to a standard of mediocrity. According to Sergiovanni, the solution…. Bibliography Sergiovanni, Thomas J. Moral Leadership: Getting to the Heart of School Improvement. At the same time, optimized care is mandated by the medical code of ethics. If older people are therefore sufficiently able to function independently, access to care should be available to them, because this is their preference, and professionals have an obligation to honor these preferences. In the medical profession, there are no simple solutions to the discrepancy between the fiscal limitations of health care and the ethical obligations of professionals to their clients.

The best ideal is to use specific codes of ethics in order to find an acceptable solution that satisfies both the drive to remain financially viable and the obligation to provide all clients with the optimal care. DILEMMA As mentioned, above, the dilemma involves Mrs. DN, an elderly woman who suffered from a debilitating stroke that left her in a wheel chair. Because she was generally at home, she had the right to home care according…. References Bevir, M. SidneyWebb: Utilitarianism, Positivism, and Social Democracy. Journal of Modern History, No. pdf Bevir, M. And O'Brien, D. From Idealism to Communitarianism: The Inheritance and Legacy of John Macmurray. History of Political Thought, No. pdf Carroll, M. Graduate College of Bowling Green. From Utilitarianism To Kantism: Bentham's Proof of Utilitarianism, Mill and Kant.

ISUS X, Tenth Conference of the International Society for Utilitarian Studies. Moral Leadership CEO's values influence on mission, vision, and members of an organization Effective leadership relies on the ethics and morals of the leader. The values expressed by the leader are transposed by his or her actions and are reflected in the organization's results. The mission of the organization is constructed by the leader based on his or her values. Leaders can only run organizations whose mission is to satisfy the leader's values. In other words, the organization's values must be aligned with leaders' values. Otherwise, leaders will not have a sense of fulfillment, and they are likely to consider that the organization does not serve its best and most ethical purposes.

The vision of the organization is also strongly influenced by the leader's values. This is because the vision reflects how the organization's mission will be fulfilled. It is important that the leader constructs an organizational vision that relies…. Reference list: 1. Women Still Underrepresented on Corporate Boards. Stanford Graduate School of Business. Symbolic interactionalism thus posits a much more dynamic view of human learning, rather than the rote reception of societal norms in functionalism, or functionalism's belief in education to shape human minds in a pre-determined fashion. But it also is a more positive view of education than conflict theory, because even if there are problematic ideas in the way knowledge is conveyed, human beings may be creative enough to reconfigure preexisting systems of meaning in a liberating fashion.

Also it is the individual who chooses how his or her personal liberation and development should take place, not the teacher. Works Cited Four 20th century theories of education. Introduction to the Philosophy of Education. html McClellan, Kenneth. Grinnell University. html Marshall, Gordon. Nearly all failing schools fit this description Six Secrets of School Success Although poverty is the issue that affects most underachieving schools, the idea of the super head was conceived as the answer to poorly performing schools. According to Marshall , recruiting exceptional headmasters to improve schools was begun with what was once known as the Hammersmith County School Marshall, The local authority school was located in the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham Marshall, The neighboring schools were grant maintained and church schools Marshall, The Hammersmith School was being closed because of poor results and OFSTED reports Marshall, However, instead of closing the school the administration decided to reopen it and called it the….

References Education. Official Site of the Labor Party. stm Superheads' call for £k a year, That means that educational theories and models need to change if we want to catch up and surpass these nations. It is also a well-known fact that Asian children often do better in school, and are more motivated than many other children. A look at the National Spelling Bee and other similar competitions tend to show a lot of Asian, homeschooled, and private school students, and perhaps this is where education should change in the future. Schools should model themselves after private schools, which can sometimes be stricter and more geared to academics than public schools. Many people believe the quality of public education has declined, and while there are some that say this is not true, it seems at least in some areas, that education has declined, while teacher's salaries have increased and class sizes have been reduced.

Clearly, something is not right, and America's children are playing for…. Individually as well as in social settings, mankind evolves a developed moral character and conscience in spite of numerous social and psychological barriers, which temporarily retard or disturb the process. In axiology, concepts of moral development give rise to feelings of being an active and developing entity. Kohlberg's Six Stages of Moral Development Crain holds that the child development scholar and moral philosopher, Lawrence Kohlberg, noted that kids progress across distinct moral development stages similar to the way they progress across cognitive development stages defined by Piaget.

Kohlberg observed…. Theories of Development, Care Ethics. Moral Development. Gender Roles and Gender Differences. Parke, Child Psychology: A Contemporary Viewpoint. New York: Mcgraw-Hill Global Education. Education Law Education Business Law Hiring policy To avoid an anti-discriminatory lawsuit regarding hiring practices, an employer should declare him or herself an 'equal opportunity employer. The employer should also not discriminate on the basis of pregnancy, age, disability or genetic information Laws enforced by the EEOC, , EEOC. If the institution wishes to pursue a strategy of affirmative action regarding the hiring and promoting of employees he or she should state it clearly in employment literature, usually in the form of the phrase that 'members of historically discriminated-against groups are encouraged to apply.

References Affirmative action. Labor employment law. html Laws enforced by the EEOC. A true discipline demands a synthesis of valid authority with individual freedom to choose right action. An effective teacher does not just verbalize a message of discipline but acts it out in his or her daily life. The goal of education is an integrated discipline, one that combines dedication to mundane goals with commitment to spiritual goals. Transforming an unjust society demands discipline: the willingness to act according to moral and ethical aims. Teachers are obliged to examine their own biases and beliefs in a disciplined manner.

Their dedication to personal and professional transformation can in fact engender a social transformation. Teachers are more politically responsible than they are usually given credit for. The influence they have over students depends on the integrity with which they conduct themselves. In addition to eliminating discrimination, teachers need to critically evaluate their curricula and speak out against what they believe are educational injustices. Specifically, they failed to change gloves in-between cleaning incontinent patients and subsequently applying ointment to other parts of the body, and handling patients' clean bed linens, food trays, and personal belongings.

One several occasions, I witnessed nurse's aides fail to change gloves in-between different patients. I saw a phlebotomist unnecessarily contaminate sterile dressings by careless handling. When questioned, she responded that her method was more time efficient. I also noticed everyone from nurse's aides to senior residents routinely place containers used for waste collection onto food carts, in some cases after picking them up off the floor. In general, it seems to me that the routine of sometimes mundane or repetitive tasks -- even in the healthcare profession -- leads to carelessness and an apathetic attitude on the part of people entrusted to ensure the health and welfare of vulnerable patients. Without condemning any of my colleagues for their lapses,….

Conversely, where the exhibit is actively incorporated into a lesson on the moral basis for sensitivity to animals, the existing educational environment contributes to the formation of a moral conscience even where direction of that kind is lacking at home. In very much the same way, the preschool and primary grade school environment is conducive to teaching other important moral values that are often postponed until much later, despite the fact that early introduction to those concepts is much more likely to result in their absorption than later introduction. acism, sexism, and other forms of bias that are no longer condoned in American society are also capable of being addressed in the preschool years so that those important lessons take root before contradictory messages are received from the external environment.

Informal Assessment of Social and Emotional Well-being in Children: All too often, educators and other caregivers perform their professional responsibilities…. References Bimonte, R. Byerly, S. Cookson, P. Gerrig, R, Zimbardo, P. This moral sense is often bigger and more powerful than us. Some people could call it psychological effect, others might term it differently but the fact remains that if we are doing something wrong, this moral sense would keep nagging us to the point that we would no longer be able to enjoy what we are doing and might eventually starting harming ourselves. In order to protect ourselves from such negative consequences, its best to make a decision that is free of guilt.

In this way, we can enjoy the fruits of our success and live a more happy life in general. This is really what is in our best interest though we might fail to see it at first. It also pays to study the offer from an objective viewpoint. If someone else were offered this job: what would you suggest? Would you allow the person to take the…. References Richard Garrett, the GOLDEN RULE. Presented to the Starr King School for the Ministry, University of California at Berkeley April 12, Mill, John Stuart. Excerpts from "Utilitarianism" in Philosophical Problems, an annotated anthology by Laurence BonJour and Ann Baker, editors, Pearson education Mill, p.

New York: Praeger. New York: outledge. The outledgefalmer eader in Psychology of Education. New York: outledgeFalmer. Childhood and Adolescence: Cross-Cultural Perspectives and Applications. Westport, CT: Praeger. Many Pathways to Literacy: Young Children Learning with Siblings, Grandparents, Peers, and Communities. Assessing Psychopathology in American Indian and Alaska Native Children and Adolescents. Personality and Social Psychology eview, 1 3 , King, Patricia M. And Kitchener, Karen S. Developing eflective Judgment: Understanding and Promoting Intellectual Growth and Critical Thinking in Adolescents and Adults.

San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers. Biological and Neuropsychological Mechanisms: Life-Span…. Imagery in Teaching and Learning: An Autobiography of Research in Four World Views. New York: Routledge. has a greater crime problem than other nations would, if it were sufficiently bad, also justify torture by the author's criteria. o my mind, the relevant issue is that many countries impose much more barbaric sanctions, such as cutting off limbs, stoning, and other brutal forms of cruel capital punishment.

I would regard humane capital punishment as morally preferable, particularly in conjunction with the U. constitutional protections. I would strongly disagree with the author's position that the death penalty is no longer especially in routinely imposed in error, as well as with the author's position that the death penalty is no longer imposed in a discriminatory manner. Specifically, since this essay was written, the field of DNA science has demonstrated time and again that there is a definite risk of wrongful imposition and that is, perhaps, the strongest of all possible objections, especially given the profound importance of…. The author rejects the opposition to the death penalty on the basis of the fact that the U.

is the only democracy to impose it through a rationale with which I disagree although I accept the conclusion. In that regard, the point that the U. To my mind, the relevant issue is that many countries impose much more barbaric sanctions, such as cutting off limbs, stoning, and other brutal forms of cruel capital punishment. Specifically, since this essay was written, the field of DNA science has demonstrated time and again that there is a definite risk of wrongful imposition and that is, perhaps, the strongest of all possible objections, especially given the profound importance of the presumption of innocence in this country.

Similarly, while overt racial and social discrimination are no longer tolerated within the criminal justice system, the author ignores the fact that poor and minority individuals are more likely to find themselves in circumstances where they may become involved in crime and that once in the system, they are less likely to be represented by high-quality defense counsel. In that sense, the criminal justice system is still discriminatory in its effects if not in its design or intent. I would agree with the author that capital punishment does not necessarily cheapen human life provided it is imposed and implemented ethically in relation to the other issues, and that that biblical prohibitions are irrelevant by virtue of the concept of separation of church and state as well as by virtue of the author's correct distinction between "murder" and "killing" in the Bible.

Finally, I would agree with the author that the death penalty is not "state-sanctioned" murder except perhaps where it is imposed in a discriminatory manner or on innocent individuals. These researchers define poverty based on different thresholds and determine the child poverty rates resulting from these thresholds. The researchers found that in the three years studied, about 5. The study also suggested that there may be differences in the characteristics of families of children in persistent poverty and those in poverty in only one of the three years, with the families in persistent poverty representing the greatest problem to be addressed in any reduction effort. However, as Bradbury states, the industrialized nations of the world have been more successful in reducing poverty among the aged, but in many countries the last two decades there has been a re-emergence of child poverty.

ates vary widely, but evidence…. References Abello, a. managing diversity, Business 11 2 , pp. Bradbury, B. Connell, R. Citation missing. Yet, that is arguably why the characters act as they do Mcilliams Mcilliams further notes that human incompetence is comedy Since the characters are not real people but Twain's creations, students should feel free to laugh at the ignorance and misfortunes of Huck and Jim in the same way that they are free to laugh when someone deliberately falls down in an attempt at comedy. Comedy may not be immediately obvious in Twain's portrayal of Pap Finn.

Yet he is one of Twain's strongest examples of satire and irony. Carter argues that Pap Finn establishes himself as an example of all that is wrong with the Southern social system; in becoming that example, readers can look to him to see what needs to change in order for people to become better and society to improve In younger classrooms, this may at first be difficult to grasp. Works Cited Bollinger, Laurel. Carter, Everett. James S. Durham, NC: Duke Univeersity Press, , Edgar, Christopher, and Ron Padgett. Classics in the Classroom: Using Great Literature to Teach Writing. Ferris, William R. This is a small step towards the improvement of opportunities for women in the Middle East.

However, Turkey is considered a "soft" power in the Middle East Altunisik, , so this small step alone is unlikely to result in immediate sweeping change. However, this does represent a small step and demonstrates that the women's movement is gaining strength. Middle Eastern culture centers on the village and the local conditions Societies within the Middle East developed in geographically isolated pockets. Historically, these pockets had little contact with each other and developed their own ideologies and traditions that made them unique. Among those traditions is how they define women's roles and treat them in regard to education and career opportunities. One such example of this distinction due to locality is the case of India.

Southern India follows a matrilineal family system, while a patrilineal system is followed in the North Ghandi, References Bureau. aspx Zambelis, C. The Strategic Implications of Political Liberalization and Democratization in the Middle East. Eastern religions, on the other hand, conceive of much broader definitions of God and deemphasize any direct relationship between individuals and God, in addition to allowing for multiple Gods. Other religious beliefs reject any supposed consciousness of a supreme being, conceiving God as representing nothing more than fundamental elements of the natural universe and objective principles. In that sense, in addition to increasing awareness and specific knowledge of other religions, the study of religion also introduces an entirely foreign concept, at least from the perspective of students socialized in any of the Western religious traditions.

Specifically, the broadened understanding of different religious frameworks raises the possibility that the highest form of spirituality possible in human life is the complete acceptance of our absolute aloneness in the world and the relative meaninglessness of human concerns in a universe that may very well be finite in existence as well as entirely godless. Education hen it comes to pedagogy, the art of teaching, there are many different interrelationships among different theories of knowledge, theories of learning, conceptions of curriculum and approaches of broad inquiry for the purposes of schooling. Every teacher is faced with a challenge to effectively convey his or her message of knowledge and inspire today's youth.

It takes a certain amount of passion and consistency to pursue such a career. This paper will argue the validity of Nel Noddings' groundbreaking work on the notion of care and take a look at her book Caring: A Feminine Approach to Ethics and Moral Education. The thesis born out of the reading will also touch on her other works as well. To pursue a just argument that the notion of care works today, this paper will also look at Aristotle's Ethics. By examining his work, the paragraphs below will conduct a theoretical conversation…. Works Cited Aristotle.

Ethics J. Thomson, Trans. London: Penguin Classics. Cunningham, L. Educational Leadership and Changing Contexts in Families, Communities, and Schools. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Esquith, R. There Are No Short Cuts. New York: Pantheon Books. Unlike Downey's article which is a thorough review of the relevant literature that concludes with the author's synthesis of appropriate recommendations that could be implemented in a classroom-based setting, this article by Darlene is mostly a plain review rather than an analysis of the literature. Research on internalization of values builds on social learning theory but differs in several important respects.

First, unlike learning, internalization occurs only when the agent acts independently, without surveillance or reinforcement. Second, internalization research is not content neutral. Correct, desirable, or worthwhile values are the primary focus. Third, the role of moral judgment is preserved. Social pressure alone can produce compliance, but not willing compliance. Several different research programs contribute to this field. Attachment research investigates the bond between infant and mother and its effect on development. Self-determination research focuses on the different ways people adopt beliefs and commitments and how these contribute to healthy functioning. Although the family is a primary unit of interest in this field, research has also been conducted in schools, colleges, churches, and other settings.

Internalization during childhood can be described as a two-person interaction in two stages. In Stage 1, a mentor parent or teacher communicates a value to the subject the child. In Stage 2, the subject decides whether or not to adopt the value and behave accordingly. The factors affecting internalization are characteristics of the mentor, the child, and their interaction. To communicate effectively, the mentor must be clear, consistent, and sincere and must convey the importance of the issue. Modeling can contribute to the process, but the main emphasis is on explicit teaching and persuasion.

Motivation can be negative or positive. Threats and power assertion by the mentor provoke resistance; humor and reason assuage it. The mentor can generate positive motivation through warmth, reciprocity, and stimulation of empathy for those affected by the behavior. Moral judgments appear in Stage 2 of the internalization process. Deciding whether to believe a value assertion is a judgment about the rightness or wrongness of the action in question. Elliott conducted a role-play exercise to teach third-graders the injustice of racial discrimination, an exercise based on eye color. All of the elements of the model—clarity, sincerity, warmth, reason, and empathy, among others—are clearly visible in the film. In a follow-up discussion, the participants, now adults, reported having acted throughout their lives on lessons learned in that exercise.

This simplified model describes internalization from toddlerhood through early adolescence. Beginning in middle adolescence, the focus shifts from whether to how values are internalized. Self-determination research has identified three distinct styles of internalization. Introjected values are experienced as internal compulsion, a feeling of obligation that is not welcomed and not felt as part of oneself. Values with which one identifies are felt as part of oneself, but not as an essential part, because they are not integrated with other aims.

Integrated values are experienced as an essential part of oneself, values one could not reject and still be the same person. Integrated values are most stable and conducive to healthy functioning. In general, with appropriate developmental adjustments, the factors that promote internalization in childhood promote integrated internalization in adolescence and adulthood. Internalization, in short, maintains the focus on moral action characteristic of the behaviorist tradition, yet also makes a place for moral judgment. In this respect, it is the most comprehensive of the accounts of moral development reviewed here. Not surprisingly, it is also the most complex.

Does internalization offer a complete account of moral development? Does integrated internalization— the adoption and consolidation of values—represent achievement of moral agency? Some might object that integrated internalization places values beyond critical scrutiny and thus represents a restriction of agency rather than its culmination. One could argue, however, that the model does require scrutiny of values before internalization and also that adult moral agents do face restricted options, because they do not allow themselves to act contrary to conscience. The behaviorist and cognitivist traditions both have empirical support.

Their central tenets—that reasoning and external influences contribute to moral development—could both be true at the same time. Convergent tendencies in these traditions reinforce their compatibility. The competing theories and heterogeneous research clearly establish that achievement of full moral agency is a complex process. The journey begins early in life and takes a long time to complete. A great many institutions and aspects of education affect the outcome. Much is known about some of these influences on education, such as parenting styles, attachment, and effects of discussion on levels of moral reasoning. About others, knowledge is rudimentary. This example Moral Education Essay is published for educational and informational purposes only.

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