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Sample swot analysis essay

Sample swot analysis essay

Another way of staying informed is by attending training sessions. If you would sample swot analysis essay to have a paper written for you, you can use it as a guide for writing your own homework writing. pdf Lewin, Eyal. Besides, its co-enterprise, the bottling company, generated A Process view of SWOT Analysis. Contact our support team and they will help you out! Hire a writer.


Home — Essay Samples — Business — Swot Analysis — SWOT Analysis Good Example. Any subject. Any type of essay. The current system was analyzed using the SWOT, and the following analysis and suggestions were made from that SWOT. Strengths: Security Functional Redundant Weaknesses: Internet Service Provider Space Budget restraints Opportunities: Technology Upgrades New Markets Network Configuration Threats: Outside Threats Software Configuration Wireless Infrastructure Internal Threats A1. Strengths The first strength is security. They system uses several different forms of security to protect the information that is handled.

It uses SSL authentication, VPN tunneling, and WPA encryption, to protect the information and limit the access of outsiders. The physical security of the servers is also addressed, because there are only four employees who have access to the cabinets that house the servers. Protecting the servers and the information within them are the IT groups main priority. Sample swot analysis essay second strength is functionality. The system was setup so that employees could access anything shared, such as documents, applications, and each other. This access is available despite the employees being in different locations or not at work at all. The third strength is redundancy, sample swot analysis essay.

The two sites have the same network configurations for support of each other during a crisis. Each is backed up daily, onsite and offsite to help maintain minimal data loss. They also have UPS to help during storms or any power interruptions Winston, Weaknesses The first weakness is the Internet Service Provider. The Internet access is only as strong as this one provider can provide. This will affect the ability to expand, because the use of the Internet will increase and the provider may not be able to handle the load from adding the additional sites. Also, using one provider may not offer a way to continue service during any kind of sample swot analysis essay. The second weakness is space.

The amount of space for the expansion within the infrastructure is not adequate. The infrastructure as it is currently setup will only accommodate the current amount of employees, adding any additional people may make the system run slow. The third weakness is budget restraints. The addition of new locations will add to the amount of use to the current systems, which will lessen their performance, and could lead to data loss. With the need for additional equipment to handle the expansion, any budget restraints may delay the purchase of the equipment, which in turn could delay the expansion and lead to loss of new business.

Opportunities The first opportunity is a technology upgrade. AEnergy is determined to make a substantial investment in technology upgrades, to determine if this is the route to take for the expansion. Utilizing the results of this research and development into a technology upgrade, may assist in making the other decisions for the expansion easier. The second opportunity sample swot analysis essay entering a new market. This helps the IT expansion, because they know their current setup is successful, all they have to do is duplicate it in the new offices.

With the proper investments in new equipment and technology, entering the new markets should go off without any issues. The last opportunity is network configuration. The current network configurations are mirror images of each other, are backed up daily and have had minimal data loss. The addition of new sites, enable the opportunity to look at different network configurations to see if mirroring the sample swot analysis essay setup will be adequate, sample swot analysis essay, or if the expansion will need another configuration for it to be successful. Threats The first threat is from outside sources. One of the most serious threats to any technology infrastructure comes from cyber attacks and hackers.

These attacks could come from accessing the network systematically or by accessing the buildings physically. This expansion would make the infrastructure even more vulnerable, because adding to the network, would give more entry points for the attackers to use. The second threat is software configuration. Software configuration becomes a vital threat, because depending on how it is configured, the attacker could use vulnerable spots within the software to attack the infrastructure, sample swot analysis essay. The third threat is wireless configuration. The wireless configuration is another vital threat, because the attacker could use the Wi-Fi connection or Bluetooth capabilities to access the infrastructure.

These wireless access points could be used to access pertinent data and could cause an insurmountable amount of damage and revenue loss. The last threat is from internal sources. This may be one of the most important threats to prepare for when looking to expand an organization. This also will lead sample swot analysis essay a loss of revenue for the company and increase the amount needed for technology, to protect against such issues. Strengths of the infrastructure used to improve existing service or product One strength of infrastructure that can be used to improve existing service or product, would be the security. This possible because of the different layers sample swot analysis essay security present to access the data within the company. This will improve the existing service or product, because the new customers or clients would be at ease that their information will be protected from outside intruders.

Security is taken very seriously by the It group, they make it a top priority to assure that the information contained within theirstays within their systems, and is only accessed by ones who are authorized to access it. Another strength of the infrastructure that could improve the existing product or service is the redundancy of system. This is a way to improve the existing product or service, because with the daily backups being performed, there are less likely to be an interruption in the service. The redundancy of the system is so that if there is any interruption, the data is readily available to get the system back up and running with very little data loss.

This will lead to better production and happier customers, since they know that the service will be restored within a sensible amount of time. The company has dedicated funds for research and development, so introducing a new product before the expansion is complete, will help to meet the demands and needs of current and future customers. An increase in revenues, will help alleviate some of the stress that the expansion has created. Deficiencies The current IT infrastructure has several weaknesses and potential threats. That will need to be addressed before the expansion takes place. A major weakness is the internal threat of disgruntled employees. Employees are the biggest threat to the current infrastructure, because their access could open the system up to an attack from the outside.

The potential threat of an outside attack is also of concern with the current IT infrastructure. An attack from the outside could come from any source, and could cause sample swot analysis essay to the company. An outside attack could use the wireless network, the wired network, or even physical access to attack the system. This is why the IT group takes security so serious. Another issue is the company using one ISP, although the two separate buildings have their own account, adding two new buildings to the same ISP, may make the service provided unavailable to the four buildings, sample swot analysis essay.

The use of one ISP may result in one of any of the offices being shutdown, due to the inability of the ISP to handle the load. Not having service could lead to a loss of revenue. Deficiency With Greatest Impact Although all of the weaknesses can be detrimental to the success of the company, the deficiency with the greatest impact is the external sources, sample swot analysis essay. The amount of possible damage that an external source can do, will be detrimental to all parts of the company, if they gain access to the system whether internally or externally. The ability for them to gain access, could cost the company a lot of money.

Not just from the information they could get, but the amount that would have to be spent to boost up the system security and any parts of the infrastructure that would need to be replaced form possible damage. Research Strategies When thinking about researching technology, sample swot analysis essay, several ideas come to mind. We could search the Internet, we could check the latest tech magazines, or we could visit a store to check the items in person. Whichever we decide to do, we would need to know what we expect from the equipment we would purchase, how much it would be, how long sample swot analysis essay would take to arrive, and it we could install it ourselves or if we would need to hire installers.

I personally like to go and see the equipment myself. This gives me a chance to see how it works, sample swot analysis essay, and it will meet my needs or not. Another current technology that the company can use to help combat external sources, is by managing the networks. Within our IT department, a unit should be assigned to monitor the computer network for the company, and check for any possible breaches. Another thing that sample swot analysis essay group will be responsible for is training all the employees, so that they are more conscious when handling company information. Staying Informed Technology is an ever changing world, so finding the best way to stay on top of these changes, is just as important as picking the right technology.

There are several ways for me to keep up to date, they include web media, print media, social media, training, and face-to-face encounters. Web media includes blogs, podcasts, and forums, sample swot analysis essay. Starting with a simple Google search, you can look for tech blogs, sample swot analysis essay, podcasts, sample swot analysis essay forums about the current technologies available for use. Print media includes books and magazines. According to a Bing search, the Top 10 Tech Magazines are: Popular Science, CHIP, American Scientist, Science News, sample swot analysis essay, Computer Power User, Discover Magazine, Popular Mechanics, PC World, Wired, and Technology Review, sample swot analysis essay.

In order to find top technology books, a trip to the sample swot analysis essay bookstore is a good place to start. Social media includes: Twitter, Facebook, and any other social media outlet. Another way of staying informed is by attending training sessions. When it comes to training sessions, sample swot analysis essay, they can be handled in several different ways. There are on-site training, where the vendor sends someone out to hold the training class. Another form of training is web-based, where the training class is delivered over the Internet or a corporate intranet. The last way I can keep informed about technology is face-to-face. I could search for technical conferences or user groups that meet and talk technology.

Whichever choice I make, staying up-to-date on technology is important to keep the IT department on top of new things. The goal of this technology is to take sodium and solar heat and convert to electricity, sample swot analysis essay. Since, we already offer unique methods of providing energy, this emerging technology would put us even further ahead of the competitors. In order to keep with emerging technology to keep a competitive sample swot analysis essay, we would need to look at future Power Plants.

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Moreover, collaboration and provision of incentives motivate the staff members to work towards a common goal, assisting in coping with COVID Therefore, social support from leadership and management, provision of incentives, and staff working as a team serve as SMMC strengths to deal with COVID, although there are weaknesses. Concerning this, high recovery for COVID patients can be achieved by providing staff with proper PPE and having adequate staff to deal with the escalating number of patients. Additionally, COVID has resulted in economic loss due to fewer elective surgeries, contributing to a shortage of funds to aid in dealing with the pandemic.

Opportunity The opportunity available for SMMC in dealing with COVID includes educating staff and the community on the virus. This assertion implies that an association is obliged to spend on the available opportunities to bring the desired change. Regarding this, the COVID recovery rate can be increased through the education of the staff members and the community. Therefore, the available opportunity for SMMC in dealing with COVID includes educating the staff and community about the virus to curb its spread, although various threats are in existence. Conclusion St. In contrast, the weaknesses include a shortage of staff, a limited amount of PPE, and economic loss due to less number of elective surgeries.

The opportunity available for the hospital is educating the staff and community on COVID while the threats include the disease, inadequate knowledge on the virus, patient overflow, and scarce ventilator machines. References Gürel, E. SWOT analysis: a theoretical review. Journal of International Social Research, 10 pdf Huber, D. This enables the organization to dispense assets and is utilized as a logical instrument in mark advertising, item administration, key administration, and portfolio investigation. Saving money is likewise presently being viewed as an adaptable budgetary arranging device.

With this prospect HDFC is consistently working toward this path, however there are a few contenders as of now in the market with the comparative procedure. This undertaking reasons that with the changing conservative and political situation bank area faces numerous high points and low points yet so as to keep up the position HDFC needs to take after some separating procedure. Since it has an almost negligible difference of distinction with its rival ICICI and can surpass HDFC. The task has given the obvious vision with respect to how to separate its system from different contenders a how to utilize the quality and change over the shortcoming of others as an opportunity. SWOT ANALAYSIS OF HDFC BANK STRENGHTS Right system for the correct items.

Superior client benefit versus contenders. Great Brand Image Products have required accreditations. High level of consumer loyalty. Good work environment Lower reaction time with productive and powerful administration. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. Starting from 3 hours delivery. Sorry, copying is not allowed on our website. We will occasionally send you account related emails. This essay is not unique. Sorry, we could not paraphrase this essay. Our professional writers can rewrite it and get you a unique paper. Want us to write one just for you? We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. This essay has been submitted by a student.

This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. Example of Swot Analysis Subject: Business Category: Strategy Topic: Swot Analysis Pages 2 Words: Published: 27 March Downloads: 18 Download Print. Get help with writing. Pssst… we can write an original essay just for you. Your time is important. Get essay help. Related Essays Canadian Tire Essay. A SWOT Analysis of Nike, Inc. The Tort of Negligence Essay. SWOT analysis of Valero and Phillips Essay. Swot Analysis of Vw Essay. Swot Analysis of "Sharekhan" Company Essay. Gold's Gym SWOT Analysis Essay. SWOT Analysis Good Example Essay.

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