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About global warming essay

About global warming essay

Thus, less air pollution would be created. However, about global warming essay, what to do about global warming is a political issue. It is also important to address the effects of global warming on the non-human populations of planet earth. Question: Is global warming man made or is it naturally made? As a student, you should know that climate change is real and that the only political issue is what to do about it. Knowing the causes of global warming, it becomes about global warming essay to come up with targeted and reasonable solutions to the problem. Industrial waste and fumes are the major contributors to global warming.

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Global Warming One of the most substantial problems in the world today is global warming. This about global warming essay warming of the earth is in occurrence at an extremely slow rate but it is happening. Introduction: The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether global warming could affect the thermohaline circulation cycle THC significantly enough that it could even shut it down and thus cause a shift in the climate of Europe severe enough to cause another Little Ice Age. To answer the question about whether global warming could cause another ice age, I have divided this paper into segments. The first will explain what the thermohaline circulation cycle is.

Next, I will look at the last. Question: Is global warming man made or is it naturally made? I think that global warming is naturally made but accelerated by human interaction, about global warming essay. This is how my thinking came from. The ice age was about global warming essay by a 5 degree drop in temperature without about global warming essay factor of human interaction, only the fact that the temperature drop five. civilization and the pollution we provide through everyday activities. This is destroyed the atmosphere and had become known as global warming. The past two years has shown just how serious global warming is and will be in the future, and something needs to be done very soon and attempt to reverse these effects.

This essay will discuss the start of the solution to end global warming, and what electing Donald Trump to presidency could mean to these plan. Global warming is one of the most serious issues that the human species face today, yet the majority of the population does not pay attention to it. People are not aware of the dangers and do not care about it much because the main effects will affect the about global warming essay generation and not themselves. Global warming is happening and it is the reason for changing weather and weather extremes such as earthquakes, floods and wildfires. Global warming is caused by societies lifestyle and these lifestyles destroy.

Guillermo Campos ID Term paper on Global Warming Ways and Means That Could Be Employed to Save the Earth from Global Warming. Global warming should be a concern for modern day humanity. It can be a determining factor in preserving our humanity. Preventive measures can be implemented to enhance the quality of the air we breathe and the environment we live in. Becoming educated about going green is a great method for addressing global warming. It could make a difference in the next phase of. and worst but one of the most important things that changed the world is global warming. Global warming has been a major cause of problems not in just one part of the world but all over. Humans have a big part in the role of global warming.

This paper will attempt to explore this very issue. Global warming refers to an unequivocal and continuing rise in the average temperature. Is global warming a problem and if so, what can we do about it? Many researchers, scientists, about global warming essay, and environmentalists are expressing concerns about changes in the overall climate of the earth. Some believe that a dramatically dangerous warming is taking place in the overall global climate, a problem that is referred to as "global warming. Examples of natural causes of climate change are volcanic eruptions, variations. Ages: Intro Global warming is a serious environmental issue taking place on our planet earth.

It threatens the wildlife, about global warming essay, the people of our society, our progress and achievements as humans, the plants and many other examples that will be discussed in this essay. Like how does it affect us? When will it end? Are we, humans, the main cause of this? This is guaranteed to answer most every question you have considered about global warming. P1 What is global warming? Global Warming causes rising sea level from glacier melting, unusual weather, increased temperature, droughts and floods, changes in ocean currents and climate shifts, about global warming essay. I believe that global warming is the human fault because humans create more pollution by burning fossil fuels, expanding the greenhouse gases and cutting down and burning trees also release carbon dioxide.

Releasing such gases into the atmosphere not only effects the atmosphere itself but also effects the entire earth and about global warming essay population. Home Page Global Warming Essay. Free Global Warming Essays and Papers. Sort By: Most Relevant Highest Grade. Satisfactory Essays. Page 1 of 50 - About essays. Good Essays. Argumentative Essay On Global Warming Words 3 Pages. Argumentative Essay On Global Warming. Powerful Essays. Essay on Global Warming: Words 4 Pages. Essay on Global Warming:. Essay On Global Warming Words 2 Pages. Essay On Global Warming. Persuasive Essay On Global Warming Words 2 Pages. Persuasive Essay On Global Warming. Global Warming Essay Words 3 Pages. Global Warming Essay.

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As MacMillan also points out, flooding also increases the rates at which communicable diseases spread. Therefore, global warming could indirectly lead to disease proliferation. It is also important to address the effects of global warming on the non-human populations of planet earth. Global warming has the potential to wipe out whole species. Whole ecosystems will change because of global warming, causing some animals and plants to move to new territories, altering the food chains and also changing the relationships between humans and nature. Another important effect of global warming is related to national security. As the Union of Concerned Scientists points out, global warming may directly impact American military bases, particularly those located in coastal areas.

In addition to the impact on military bases that are at risk for flooding, global warming could also create national security issues such as diverting military resources to helping the victims of climate change. If the United States experiences water shortages or crop failures due to global warming, it would also become more vulnerable and dependent on other nations, creating national security crises or alternatively, causing a bellicose president to invade another country for its resources. How to Prevent Global Warming and Minimize Damage.

Taking action on global warming now requires a concerted coalition between the private and public sectors around the world. Likewise, the private sector needs to become more environmentally responsible, requiring new anti-pollution laws if necessary. Unfortunately, getting multiple stakeholders to work together can be challenging, even within the same country. Creating international coalitions between governments and private sector organizations has been ineffective so far, but there is still room for hope. As the Union of Concerned Scientists claims, reducing greenhouse gas emissions is the first and most important order of business, and will require politicians to take action.

The reason why politicians are often reluctant to take action is fear that doing so would adversely impact the economy. After all, many businesses have yet to develop alternative methods, processes, or technologies that can replace those that caused global warming. To overcome this problem, politicians need to simultaneously pass laws that offer incentives to companies for developing alternative technologies or energy sources. Another reason why governments need to take responsibility is that in most places, land use issues can be mitigated via legislation. Instead of allowing more deforestation, governments can cease new developments in favor of a more sustainable economic policy. Need Help Writing Your Essay? Get Started. Taking action on global warming requires a multifaceted effort, that combines working with the private sector as well as forming local, regional, national, and international coalitions.

Each region will experience global warming differently. Therefore, it is important to not just focus on what can be done nationally or internationally but also locally. Each community needs to build its own resilience strategy to reduce harm. For example, regions in California and the American West that could experience greater wildfires and droughts need to have in place improved fire mitigation strategies. Low-lying coastal regions like Florida and the Atlantic seaboard need to have evacuation or land reclamation measures in place in case of storms and rising sea levels. Local approaches help to create more robust long-term solutions. It is often easier to get smaller groups of people from the same region to agree on a course of action than it is for larger and more diverse entities.

The residents of one area can see the immediate results of their work, and are more connected to the need to take action for their community. Individual consumers also need to take responsibility for their choices to help reduce global warming. Because the private sector responds to consumers, and because governments respond to the private sector, ultimately consumers have more power than they may believe. By choosing sustainable products, and supporting sustainable, ethical companies, individuals can reduce global warming. Eating less meat or no meat is one way to contribute to the effort in reducing demand for unsustainable agricultural practices.

Likewise, boycotting products that are manufactured in ways that contribute to global warming can also help create a consumer-driven revolution. Walking, riding a bicycle, and otherwise avoiding unnecessary use of fuel-burning cars is another way consumers can make a difference even before governments are willing to take action. As the Union of Concerned Scientists also points out, individuals have a responsibility to promote science literacy and reduce misinformation. When voters are empowered with information about global warming, they are more able and likely to elect officials who are dedicated to implementing solutions.

Minimizing damage is also an important global warming strategy. Both governments and the private sector need to work together to create more resilient communities. Disasters will happen, but responses need to be more robust. For example, the public infrastructure needs to be improved so that hurricanes like Katrina cause less damage than they did. Helping the most vulnerable areas around the world to prepare for disasters and evacuate people as safely and efficiently as possible is one of the most important ways of responding to the problem of global warming. It may be impossible to completely eliminate global warming because of the huge population on the planet, but a lot can be done to minimize it and reduce harm.

Doing something about global warming requires being proactive, both in terms of changing the way industry operates, and also building resilience to minimize the damages that may result from extreme weather, drought, and other problems. MacMillan, A. Global warming NASA Union of Concerned Scientists Confronting the realities of climate change. Are you writing your global warming essay for an environmental science class? If so, then make sure you use credible science sources and talk about the chemistry of greenhouse gases and other scientific principles. However, if you are writing your essay for a debate class or for an English composition class, you will want to use the principles of argumentative essay or expository essay writing.

You might even be asked to write about global warming from a historical perspective, such as tracing the evolution of policies or attitudes towards global warming. Sociology, anthropology, and psychology classes might also ask you to write about attitudes towards global warming. Remember to use an outline to stay organized while you write, and proofread your copy when you are finished writing your draft. To avoid being accused of plagiarism when you write an essay, always keep track of what sources you use and cite them properly in the References or Bibliography section of your essay.

If you need help composing an essay on global warming or any other subject, you can seek help with a writing tutor. Looking for other documents related to Global Warming? or search similar documents. Main Page World U. S Business Technology Health Entertainment. Homes World Global Warming Global Warming Essay. So You Want To Write A Global Warming Essay? Writing the Essay When you have been asked to write about global warming , you may be overwhelmed. Topics The different effects of global warming in two different geographic regions. Possible social or humanitarian effects from global warming, such as population migration. The places on Earth most at risk due to rising sea levels. The most reasonable policy solutions to address climate change.

The countries that are doing the most to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Some of the most effective global warming policies The history of global warming. Titles Not Yet Worried About Global Warming? You Should Be Why Global Warming Is a Political Issue Will Global Warming Bring The World Together For a Common Cause? The Possible Effects of Global Warming Global Warming: Policy Suggestions Why Some People Think Global Warming is a Hoax Global Warming: Worst Case Scenarios Getting Started Before you begin your essay, consider things like how long it has to be and what class you are writing for. Outline I. Introduction A. Body Section One: Causes of Global Warming A. Body Section Two: Effects of Global Warming A. Effects on agricultural production and food security.

Effects on water security. Body Section Three: How to Prevent Global Warming A. Conclusion A. Forestry and farming are feeling the negative impact of global warming, and we also see traces of a devastated ecosystem. To prevent further damage and start repairing the damaging effects of global warming, policies must be implemented and diligently enforced. Energy conservation is the only policy that I would put into effect. This policy would be very broad, encompassing as many aspects of energy use as possible. The first item on the table would be to force automobile manufacturers to produce only vehicles with high MPG ratings and eventually to develop new models that are not run on gasoline alone. Such vehicles are known as hybrids and are run on a combination of electricity and gasoline.

Demanding that all new SUVs and trucks from this point should be as fuel-efficient as their smaller counterparts, would be a large step in the way of vehicle efficiency and pave the way for less gasoline reliance. This, in turn, will allow for fewer emissions of carbon dioxide from the vehicles that we have all come to rely on for our sole source of transportation. The next policy to implement would be related to the field of techs. According to one, all technology items should be developed to make all appliances run efficiently — from refrigerators and stoves on down to video game equipment and lamps. Every piece of machinery or device that we own uses energy in some way, shape, or form. If we would require that manufacturers of such items follow strict guidelines of energy efficiency, not only would users save money, but also energy use would be at a minimum.

Thus, less air pollution would be created. Some headway is being made in this area, but not enough and not nearly fast enough. We see most progress being made in the residential areas. The examples are Energy Star appliances and compact, fluorescent light bulbs. The last policy that should be implemented revolves around recycling. For instance, the requirement that all packaging should be recyclable and that it should be made from recycled materials would change the global situation significantly. The point is that recycling helps the environment by conserving our natural resources, saving energy, reducing air and water pollution, as well as reducing the need for landfill space.

Currently, many recycling programs are being implemented worldwide, but there are no policies that enforce its unequivocal use, yet this is one of the easiest ways of protecting our environment. In order to make sure that any of the policies mentioned above are going to be successful, all businesses and consumers need to participate actively. Following the reduce, reuse, and recycle methodology will help to decrease the amount of energy that is used during the elimination of waste products. Finally, it is important to speak up. What is the best way that you can make a serious impact on global climate change? You can follow the example of a well-known Swedish girl Greta Thunberg! A young phenomenon continues to inspire youth all over the globe to stand up and protest against all hazardous climate change.

In addition to talking to your family and friends, you have an opportunity to let the whole world know about how serious the current climate situation is. You say you love your children, but you are still robbing them of the future. We see her being genuine and never associate her with any of the existing powers. And what is that? Yes, it is something that we can definitely understand. In other words, by voicing your worries and raising awareness about this global concern — directly to your family and friends or via social media — you have an opportunity to send the right message, as well as show that you do care about the issues related to global warming. Encourage the society that you live in to pass new laws in order to limit pollutions all over the world. The point is that every person can protect the land that he or she lives in and much more.

Healing this world starts in your dining room, in your bathroom, in your kitchen, and your garage. It is important to keep in mind that equal significant contributions can be made absolutely by all people with no exception. Writing Guide.

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