Monday, January 24, 2022

My friend essay

My friend essay

The essay on a friend can be a my friend essay tricky for people. Life continues its incredible journey, my friend essay, so many intimate friends moved in and out of my life, but none replaced the sole position reserved for my girl, now a strong woman, who stood by my side during the ebb and flow of my little life. The essay about best friends allows you to express your thoughts. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. His name is Rishi.

Long and Short Essay on My Best Friend in English

Said that it can turn into Herculean labor, especially if you are a beginner. Also, there are not enough guidelines available on the internet, which makes it difficult for students to structure an essay. Writing an essay about best friend requires you to talk about the particular traits of the individual. The best friend is the one with whom you are closely attached and share your problems with this particular person. A good friend is the one who always supports you in difficult situations. It would help if you wrote an essay about your best friend because this particular person always provides you with assistance.

In difficult times you receive the much-needed guidance and help from the person. Besides, my friend essay, you enjoy your best moments and successes with your friend, who keeps you in a relaxed state of mind. When you are writing about friendship, it is always a good idea to first list down the essential traits of an individual. It will help you in structuring a rough draft quickly. Although you will have to revise your draft multiple times as you come up with new ideas. In the initial part of the essay, you can discuss the my friend essay and situation which brought your friendship closer. Writing about best friend requires you to think about the traits which make this individual special.

There are multiple people present in your surroundings with whom you have good relationships. The best friend has to be the person who stands for you in difficult times and supports you in personal and professional life. It is always a good practice to develop a plan when you are writing about my best friends essay. You need to schedule a place and time for your writing task. It will keep you motivated in completing the essay assignment before the deadline. Set small targets like writing words daily and hold yourself accountable when you fail to achieve your writing goals. When you are writing a friendship paragraph, you need to describe your best friend physical traits of the person like clean clothes, height, figure, and hair.

It will enable the reader in understanding the components which make this my friend essay unique to you. It also protects the person from common illnesses like flu and fever. The essay on a friend can be a bit tricky for people, my friend essay. The personality traits of the person describe whether the person can be trusted with important information. You need to discuss the exact personality attributes of the person, which helps you in getting the relevant support on time. My friend essay instance, the sympathetic nature and trustworthiness of the person make the person unique as you can share all your problems with your best friend openly.

There are certain qualities that need to be there in a person to be a good friend like straightforwardness and sincerity. The essay writing about my best friend requires you to discuss how you my friend essay with your best friend for the very first time. For example, my friend essay, you can say that you met with a person whom you consider to be your best friend during the college classroom. You took some standard courses, just like your best friend. With time, you developed an understanding with your classmate. Also, you can highlight the exact moments of your life in which your best friend has supported or rescued you.

Following my best friend essay example templates can help you in properly structuring your essay, my friend essay. You can discuss the bonding and coordination present between you and your friend, which makes your friendship special. For example, you can explain the trouble moments in which your friend has provided you with relevant assistance which has further strengthened your friendship. The essay about best friends allows you to express your thoughts, my friend essay. Also, you can experiment with different ideas to present your arguments logically. When you are writing my friend essay, my friend essay can discuss the reasons why you treasure your friendship with that particular person.

For example, you can say that your friend always supports you in difficult times, which makes this person valuable for you. Highlight the events or occasions in which this person has helped you. When you are concluding essays on friends, you need to summarize the main points of the article. This paragraph about friendship has to be brief and to the point. You do not need to go into specific details. Discuss the things that have been discussed before, my friend essay. There is no need to introduce new ideas, my friend essay. Read your article aloud and go through each paragraph of the essays about best friends at least multiple times. Check for any grammatical and typography errors that may be present in the essay, my friend essay.

Also, you can ask your family member or friend to review the essay and provide you with feedback. It will help you in modifying the essay as per all the requirements. Always seek help from your friend and ask the person to proofread your my friend essay about your best friend. The points highlighted by my friend essay friend will help you in adding a new angle in your essay. Also, your essay will become more synchronized as each paragraph will be linked with the other. A good friend is a valuable asset to an individual. Only a few people in the world are fortunate to have friends that are compatible, loyal, honest, and helpful. In the presence of our friends, we always learn something new like expressing ourselves in joyful and sorrowful moments.

A friend is someone whom you can trust to a certain level. If my friend essay cannot trust the person, then that individual cannot be considered as a best friend. A true friend supports you in difficult times and guides my friend essay in every aspect of your life. A good friend is the one with whom you enjoy spending your time. With time a healthy level of trust is established between the two persons. A strong understanding is necessary for a strong mutual friendship. An individual is most likely to build my friend essay and close relationships with the person with whom the person has developed a healthy level of my friend essay. My first friend my friend essay my long-time classmate Daniel who always supports me in difficult times.

For instance, whenever I face difficulty in completing the assignment, my friend essay, my best friend helps me in completing the tasks in different subjects like Mathematics, English, Physics, and many others. I take assistance from him to comprehend the concepts which beat my friend essay during the class lectures. Also, My friend essay seek advice from my friend in my personal life for buying necessary clothes, shoes, and shaving accessories. The valuable advice which I receive from my friend helps me in taking decisions. The qualities which my best friend possesses include openness to accept new ideas, sympathetic, trustworthy, my friend essay, honest, and loyal.

These attributes make my my friend essay friend an asset to me. In any difficult situation, I always take the advice of my best friend, Daniel. For instance, I take the advice of my best friend in personal matters like selecting a future career plan. With the advice of my best friend, my friend essay, I was able to explore my passion for sports. With the constant support guidance and encouragement, my friend essay, I received from my friend; I was able to become the captain of my basketball team. Also, I have received academic excellence in my college as I have received multiple educational awards, honors, and excellences with the guidance of my best friend. A good friend always guides you in difficult circumstances and situations.

Also, you have a healthy level of trust and understanding with the my friend essay whom you consider as your best friend. I feel fortunate that I have a perfect and loyal friend in the shape of Daniel, who is always there to help me. A good friend is the one who provides support in difficult times and with whom the person feels comfortable. I like being with my best friend Daniel, who always helps me in difficult times. We have a long-established harmonious relationship for the last ten years. Through this time, we have developed a healthy level of understanding between us. I always seek help from my best friend. Multiple websites are available online which provide pre-written essay on best friends, but only a few companies provide you will be reliable and quality services.

With Essay Zoo, you can be rest assured to receive a quality assignment, which also enables you to score high grades in exams. Their professional team of top writers is fully capable of handling any complex assignments. The services like EduJungles will do my essay for me and provide an opportunity for students to complete their essay about friendships. There are a few things that need to be considered in writing an essay about a close friend which only an expert writer can understand. A professional US writer will provide you with the top-quality assignment, which will ensure that you get good marks in coursework.

Remember to provide the complete details of the assignment along with course lectures and resources so that the writer can complete the assignment as per the requirement. We use cookies. Read about how we use cookies and how you can control them by clicking cookie policy. Edu Jungles. Order Now. Our Difference Our Discounts Our Extras Our Pricing Our Writers Reviews Our FAQ. Sign In. Contents What Is A Best Friend Essay? Why You Should Write an Essay About Your Best Friend How to Get the Best Essay About My Friend How to Start Writing a College Essay About My Best Friend What to Include in an Essay About My Best Friend How to Finish an Essay About Your Best Friend?

My Best Friend-Example My friend essay. E-mail: [email protected].

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He always tells me new stories and jokes, we have a good friend since childhood, if I ever make a mistake, and he forgives me. Whenever I am in trouble, he always stands with me and plays with me, we both go to the same school to study. Amit is very intelligent in reading, he comes first in class every time, and he is such a good boy that teachers of our school also praise him. Whenever I am frustrated, he encourages me and advises never to give up; we both play cricket together in the evening after coming from school. Amit is very punctual, he never misuses time.

Amit brother is a lawyer and he will also want to grow up to become a lawyer, whenever I visit her house she gives me a lot of affection. Amit has a younger sister, who studies in class 3. She is just like my sister and I love her very much. She also ties me a rakhi on every Rakshabandhan. He plays the cricket game best and goes to play on behalf of the school every time and wins the gold medal. My dearest and true friend is Ravi, he is very simple. Ravi always respects elders and talks to them politely. I have never heard him talk in a loud voice to anyone. I study with him in the same school and we together go to school every day. He never hates anyone, whereas I used to hate him earlier, but now my habit has also changed due to being with Ravi.

He is very good. Whenever I go to his house, he loves me very much and sometimes takes us to the market. Ravi always has a love for everyone, he always helps me. Also, read my best friend essay FAQ. At first, I was weak in studies but since Ravi has become my friend, I too pass the first class. Ravi and my house are in the same locality, so we get up early in the morning and go for a walk in the garden and after coming from school, all of us friends meet and play Kho-Kho, it is our favourite sport. Every time Ravi comes first in class, Ravi is interested in sports along with being intelligent in studies. He always wears clean clothes and we took part in the healthy campaign of India and also cleaned our neighbourhood, for this we were also honoured by the residents of the neighbourhood.

Last time I had recited poems on the sun and Ravi on the moon, people are very happy to hear poems for us. Ravi is in harmony with everyone, he never degrades anyone and does not lie to anyone, and he hates the people who lie. He is always full of confidence, he is very eager to receive new education, he has a different sharp face on his mouth due to which all people love him. He always serves everyone selflessly, there has never been any selfishness in our friendship and perhaps that is why we are such good friends.

He is my true friend because he did not leave me even in adversity. Also, read my best friend essay Conclusion. A person could have many friends depending on the social character and the ease of being relatable with others. At different stages of life, we need friends who are the same level as us in order to fit in but to some people, that is not an option because they believe in functioning independently, which is still okay. Psychologists recommend that people should co-exist together so that they can help each other during times of need. There is also a fact that coping mechanisms to stress are better off when friends are involved. A friend could be any one but a best friend is usually that one person you value the most of all your friends.

A best friend is like family. My best friend is a girl named Shanaya. We grew up together. Our parents were friends from college and so they progressed to pursue the same career and that is how they ended up in the same neighborhood because they work in the same hospital. Her father is a doctor while my father is an anesthetist. Since we were young, we would play together, went to school together. We were separated for about one year because she joined a different high school from mine but she later joined me at my current school. The separation made me realize that she was actually my best friend because it was hard without her around. My best friend and I are now in senior year but different classes. We interact on a daily basis. My best friend possesses qualities that just make me love her.

She is kind to everyone, even animals. We have grown up like sisters and she has been the bigger sister to me because she has always protected me from bullies. She is intelligent both academically and in issue concerning life. My class performance was not so good when she joined my school but through her help, I have been able to Improve. Her sense of fashion is impeccable. She always steals the attention of everyone when we walk together, which makes me invisible. We have very imaginative minds. Sometimes we just sit and plan our future and it is just amazing how she jokes about everything.

She wants to be a doctor just like her father and she believes in humanity. The definition of a friend is relative to different personalities with their different backgrounds, orientations and beliefs. However, a conventional description of a friend is; someone you care about. Caring about someone goes beyond the ordinary meaning of the word. He or she must cherish the other enough to call it love. Now love is built on trust; a friend is someone you trust, at least, to a reasonable extent. If a friend is someone I love, then my best friend should be the one I love most. Best friends are usually fond of themselves. When two friends get used to each other, a strong mutual understanding is created.

At this level, their friendship hits new heights. Understanding is very important in friendship. These kind of friends must have become very compatible and would easily share almost anything because of their trust for each other. One may opine that not everybody has such a friend. So, it may be expedient to consider another definition of a best friend as simply; the best amongst your friends. But just as we started, definitions of concepts in friendship are relative. My best friend is Divyakshi. My best friend is my first friend, an acquaintance, one who has offered me presence, wasted and utilized time with me, won my trust and respect, shown me love and why I should love, supported and defended me, had my back and stood by me.

My best friend has not just done these things to me but has made me see reasons to do same to her. My best friend is a unique companion, the one among my friends who does the best things to me, for me and with me. She is simply indispensable and indescribable. She is not necessarily my lover but I love her. My best friend and I are a team, we struggle together, we lie together, we fight together, we save each other, we back one another and we survive in this order. We may not be one but we make one. We may not be so strong but united, we stand tall. Friends are an integral part of your life, be the school years, the college life, colleagues at office or friends near your house.

Everyone needs friends to share their feelings, spend some good time and relax in life. I am fortunate to have such a friend in my life on which I can just rely for anything. Whether it is sharing my feelings, my good and bad times and sometimes even my clothes, I just enjoy everything with him. His name is Rishi. When I was in class 2, Rishi joined our school and our class. His parents have just migrated to our city and here he was, the first time in a new city, new school, new class and new people around it everywhere. Fortunately, my teacher made him sit with me in the class. He was a bit shy at first, but by the end of the day, we both felt comfortable with each other. Subsequently, when we met each other every day, we realised that we had quite a many similarities and this allowed to gel with each other easily.

Since then there has been no looking back. Our friendship slowly became the talk to the class and gradually we became best friends. Even our teachers came to know about it and. But, thanks to all, no one ever tried to create distance between us as we complemented each other so perfectly that even our teachers and parents felt happy about it. In fact, we used to help each other with class notes as well as homework if one of us could not attend the school due to any reasons. In fact, we had this healthy competition in us as to who would stand first in the class. Apart from studies, we both a common interest in table tennis. We both joined an academy and used to go for practice together in the evenings.

The only difference in our habits, perhaps, was the while I was right-handed, he was a left-handed person. But this was also a blessing in disguise for us as due to this very reason we made a good team and were even selected in our school team to play as a doubles team. We both won many competitions together and brought accolades to the school. This made our parents as well as school teachers very proud of us. After our schooling, we got separated as we both chose different career paths. While I went on to become an engineer, Rishi went to a different city to become a scientist. But, as life would have it, after some years, we both landed in the same city and came in contact with each other again.

My best friend has been the biggest strength for me in my life. During the weekend, we went to a short cookery course as well, and we sometimes get a kick out of the chance to cooperate in the kitchen and make some creative dishes. My friend and I appreciate watching films together amid occasions or excursions. We like watching comedies. In my times of need, my best friend has been a pillar of strength for me. Not only did he take care to see that I resolve my issues, but also ensured that my family is not affected much due to the turmoil in my professional life. He has always encouraged me to face problems as they are and not to duck under during adverse situations.

I am glad that I have such a friend in my life on which I can rely on blindly. True friendship is the most prized thing in the world. Although, it may be, at times, that one does not have a friend whom one can call as a best friend. But, if you are able to find someone like a best friend to you, it is perhaps, the greatest joy in the world. The mutual understanding and honesty which can be shown by your best friend cannot be done by anyone else in the world. Friends are the family that we get to choose. Blessed are those who have a best friend for life. A best friend is nothing less than a precious gem. And I am lucky to have such a person in my life. My family used to live in Lucknow. But then a few years ago my father got transferred and we came to the town of Allahabad in Uttar Pradesh.

Everything was new here. The neighborhood, the market, and even the school. I was not liking it here much. At this new school, nobody knew me. As I was shy, I had difficulty making friends and felt lonely all the time. During the lunch breaks, I used to have lunch all by myself. Although the teachers were nice to me, I still missed my old school. One day, when I was sitting in my seat, a girl came to me and introduced herself. She was Deepa. She smiled at me and asked if I wanted to have the lunch with her. That day, we spent a great time together. We told each other about ourselves, our families, likings, and dislikings. Slowly, we became best friends. I liked her nature. She was soft-spoken and always had a smile on her face.

The school was close to my home but Deepa used to come to school by cycle. So, when the school would be over, we would often walk together till we reached my home. From there, we would say goodbye to each other and she would start riding the cycle to her home. A few weeks passed by. The weather was changing and I had a high fever. It was a viral infection, so I needed a bed-rest all the time. I had to miss the classes. I was also worried about the coming exams, wondering how I would cover the unattended chapters. To my surprise, Deepa came to visit me as she already knew my address.

She was worried about my health but she consoled me and asked me not to panic about the studies. Next day, when she came to my house, there were plenty of photocopied notes with her. It was all for me so that I could study easily. My best friend would stay with me for a few hours to explain the difficult concepts and chapters in mathematics and other subjects. Gradually, my health was improving and I had also prepared most of the syllabus for the upcoming exam. In my heart, I felt so lucky to have Deepa as my best friend. When the exam results came, we both had passed with good marks.

Later I made a greeting card for her to express my affection and gratitude toward her. She was so excited and happy to see it. After that incident, our families also developed a bonding. I and Deepa became inseparable sisters. I and the other classmates in the school had planned a day out for her. In the evening, there was a party at her house. So, we all decided to give her a surprise party and take her to a nearby picnic spot in the afternoon. Everybody contributed a little for the cake and snacks. Deepa came to school in her lovely sky blue frock. She looked like a fairy. After the school was over, we took her to the picnic spot. She cut the cake and we all enjoyed the snacks.

Deepa was thrilled with her surprise party. After everybody had eaten, we all decided to enjoy the boat ride. Only 4 people could come in one boat. So, with two other girls, Deepa and I settled in a boat. Rest of the students took separate boats.

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