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Poverty in africa essay

Poverty in africa essay

Company About FAQ Support Legal Accessibility. Comparing the Alternative Energy Experiences of California and Poverty in africa essay Pages : 18 words. Words: - Pages: 3. The problem of entrenched poverty is extremely difficult to solve because of different factors at work, all interacting with one another. In the long run, foreign aid is not being helpful to many African nations.

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n African Solution for Africa? s PovertyNovember 10, by Michael OluwatuyiBlessed is he who considers the poor. In a recent report from the United Nations Development Programme, Nigeria is ranked st on its poverty in africa essay of national development, with more than 70 percent of the population living in extreme poverty. Poverty poverty in africa essay not simply about the lack of money. It also means that people do not knowwhere their next meal will come from. They cannot afford decent living conditions. Their incomes are unpredictable and low. Those suffering in extreme poverty lack access to the good things of life and life?? This undermining of human dignity makesthe amelioration of poverty a moral as well as an economic issue.

Poverty remains without question the greatest challenge facing African countries. Many people, in and out of Africa, are quick to blame colonization for the present predicament. But Africa is not unique in this regard. Many countries that were once colonized are today enjoying economic prosperity. For instance, Australia and New Zealand were both British colonies. Estonia was once under Russian and German control. Today citizens of these countries are enjoying a substantial per capita income. Colonialism ended in Africa more than three decades ago. Itis time to look inward, for African solutions, to find ways to ameliorate thesuffering of impoverished people in poverty in africa essay continent.

In many cases, thosesolutions will be found in morally responsible activity in poverty in africa essay market and in government. Africa ought to be one of the richest continents in the world in terms of mineral resources and arable farmland. So what is the problem Internal factors and self-inflicted problems have been the major causes of poverty in Africa in recent years. For example, the rate of capital flight in Africa is more than any other continent. How can the continent develop when Africans are unwillingto invest their own money in their own countriesAbove all, corruption and lack of effective rule of law present huge hurdles to would-be investors.

In many countries, much local economic activity is under the control of the state, which necessarily leads to political influence and favoritism. Many government officials, both important and petty, believe that their position allows them to harass business people and extort outrageous feesa nd bribes. This corruption, combined with excessive regulation, deters both local and foreign investment. It is a problem that must be addressed not onlyby legal measures but also by the inculcation of a culture of personal moral responsibility that recognizes the damage done to the common good by corrupt exchanges. The health care infrastructure in Africa is in a sorry state, and this compounds the economic and development problems.

This has increased the poverty level as well. Personal failures and natural disasters do not principally cause poverty. Redistribution of wealth by the government has only increased the misery of the people, poverty in africa essay. Pope John Paul called such problems??? the structures of sin??? because they are the products of human actions and they make the situations of the poor so difficult to change. In the early s and s in Nigeria, government officials embarked on a mission to make everyone economically equal and many industries were protected from foreign competition, poverty in africa essay. In the end, most of these firms are performing belowexpectations or have folded entirely.

Economic freedom is a route to ending poverty and starting the process of building aprosperous country. A loss or lackof this freedom usually calculates into a lower GDP, poverty in africa essay. A free economy, such as Hong Kong?? Despite the obvious benefits of economic freedom, too many African governments are implementing unsound?? Success is never accidental. The road to progress and reduction of poverty should include measures that guarantee more economic freedom to the citizens. This must include a transparent privatization, the liberalization trade, lowertaxes, and reduced government intervention. It would also be a great help if trade-distorting policies in developed countries could be eased. Finally, Africans must understand their activity in the economic sphere as morally charged.

In this way, we can finally address the problem of African poverty in an honest and poverty in africa essay way. The paper "Poverty poverty in africa essay africa" was written by a real student and voluntarily submitted to this database. You can use this work as a sample in order to gain inspiration or start the research for your own writing. You aren't allowed to use any part of this example without properly citing it first. If you are the author of this paper and don't want it to be used on EduPony, contact us for its removal. Poverty in africa. If you have any suggestions on how to improve Poverty in africa, please do not hesitate to contact us. We want to know more: [email protected].

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This undermining of human dignity makesthe amelioration of poverty a moral as well as an economic issue. Poverty remains without question the greatest challenge facing African countries. Many people, in and out of Africa, are quick to blame colonization for the present predicament. But Africa is not unique in this regard. Many countries that were once colonized are today enjoying economic prosperity. For instance, Australia and New Zealand were both British colonies. Estonia was once under Russian and German control. Today citizens of these countries are enjoying a substantial per capita income. Colonialism ended in Africa more than three decades ago. Itis time to look inward, for African solutions, to find ways to ameliorate thesuffering of impoverished people in the continent.

In many cases, thosesolutions will be found in morally responsible activity in the market and in government. Africa ought to be one of the richest continents in the world in terms of mineral resources and arable farmland. So what is the problem Internal factors and self-inflicted problems have been the major causes of poverty in Africa in recent years. For example, the rate of capital flight in Africa is more than any other continent. How can the continent develop when Africans are unwillingto invest their own money in their own countriesAbove all, corruption and lack of effective rule of law present huge hurdles to would-be investors.

In many countries, much local economic activity is under the control of the state, which necessarily leads to political influence and favoritism. Many government officials, both important and petty, believe that their position allows them to harass business people and extort outrageous feesa nd bribes. This corruption, combined with excessive regulation, deters both local and foreign investment. It is a problem that must be addressed not onlyby legal measures but also by the inculcation of a culture of personal moral responsibility that recognizes the damage done to the common good by corrupt exchanges.

The health care infrastructure in Africa is in a sorry state, and this compounds the economic and development problems. This has increased the poverty level as well. Personal failures and natural disasters do not principally cause poverty. Redistribution of wealth by the government has only increased the misery of the people. Pope John Paul called such problems??? the structures of sin??? This means that they resort to using unclean water to drink and farm. Illnesses caused by unclean water and sanitation kill about 4, children every day. Anyone can pray to God or fast but only faith in the word of God will grant the sinner true freedom and righteousness, no good works. It is only this type of obedience, following of God, discipleship that Luther speaks of in his treatise that will allow the sinner to receive the cloak righteous from God.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer thoughts are closely related…. The church preaches the ideals of Christ, loving one another as equals, but practices another, ignoring those that are different in color and social class. King believed in the Christian faith, but he believed the church was not doing what Christ would have wanted. Some people should not be living in inordinate wealth, while others are living in abject poverty. Nevertheless, Dr. Henceforth, Dr. King challenged the church to change its structure and create a moral balance enabling all men and women to live together in peace and harmony. If you knew his love, your life will be changed.

When man sinned what did God do? He did not hate mankind because of their sin. Home Flashcards Create Flashcards Essays Essay Topics Writing Tool. Essays Essays FlashCards. Browse Essays. Sign in. Flashcard Dashboard Essay Dashboard Essay Settings Sign Out. Home Page Essay on Poverty in Africa. Essay on Poverty in Africa Words 3 Pages Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Deterioration of food security is the effect of armed afflicts. According to the latest Emergency Food Security Assessment , 42 percent in North Kivu of people are suffered from food insecurity since the recent violence provinces has happened between the harvest and subsequent planting season. Home Flashcards Create Flashcards Essays Essay Topics Writing Tool.

Essays Essays FlashCards. Browse Essays. Sign in. Flashcard Dashboard Essay Dashboard Essay Settings Sign Out. Home Page Poverty In Africa Essay. Poverty In Africa Essay Words 6 Pages Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Show More. Related Documents The World Of Poverty Analysis Hunger kills more people each year than AIDs, Malaria, and Tuberculosis combined. Read More. Words: - Pages: 5. Malaria Global Patterns For example Nigeria is a third world country with a lot of its population living in poverty. Words: - Pages: 7. Diseases In Africa Essay To put the affects of these diseases into perspective, L.

Words: - Pages: 3. Words: - Pages: 4. Causes Of Hunger In Liberia Africa is carries twenty-nine of out the thirty-six poorest countries in the world, causing men to migrate in search of a job to maintain his family, leaving the forty percent of women to manage the household in some parts of rural Africa. Poverty In Africa Donating to Africa is not only a call for civic mercy but more of a humanitarian aid to the people who are victims of poverty.

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